Page 16 of Cocky Biker

“You couldn’t get some from the bar?” She frowned.

“Nah, I want my brand.” He shut that drawer and tugged open the one next to it.

Belle sighed and folded her arms, watching him. Her nipples were hard, scraping against the inside of her bra.

“Ah, here we go.” He held a pack of Marlboro aloft. “I knew there were some in there.”

She glanced at the door. “So I’ll be seeing you around.”

He set his gaze on hers as he poked the pack into the top pocket of his cut. Like earlier, he didn’t wear anything under it, and his broad inked chest glistened as if he too were hot. “Yeah, unless of course, there’s anything I can do for you here?”

“Like what?”

He took a step closer and shrugged. “I dunno, you tell me.”

Belle became acutely aware of the quiet room, the sound of her breathing, the sound of his. She swallowed. “Rigor will get me anything I need. He takes care of me.”

“Oh yeah?” He waggled his eyebrows. “I could take care of you.” He grinned. “See to youreveryneed.”

“As if.” She frowned and gripped her upper arms so tight she was sure there’d be bruises tomorrow.

“Why not? We’re consenting adults, you’re … fuck … you’re gorgeous, but you know that, and I could be your duke.”

“My what?”

He jerked his head in the direction of the sofa where the book lay open. “Your kinky duke.” He lowered his voice. “I could give you all the hot things he gives his maid.”

“You should leave.” Her scalp prickled, and her heart rate sped up. Wyatt’s eyes were the color of chocolate, and they pulled her in, tempting her with the promise of sin.

“Are you sure about that?” His attention dipped to her chest. “That I can’t do anything for you?”

The soft orbs of her breasts were rising and falling with her rapid breaths. A tremble went down her spine at the thought of him touching her nipples.

“Yes. Leave.” She unfolded her arms and reached for the door. “Now.”

“Okay.” He held up his hands, palms facing her. “I’m going, but you need me, for anything at all, just holler, okay? And I’ll be here for you, for whatever you need.” His attention dipped again, this time to her tight nipples poking at her red top.

Damn it.

She shoved his arm, frustrated with the war going on between her head and body. He was as sexy as he was arrogant—the sexy she wanted, the arrogant she could do without.

“But you know what,” he said, stepping out of the door. “When you’ve finished that book, can you sling it my way? I figure it’ll give me some insight. Some ideas for the future, you know?”

“Ohhh, you are so…” She gritted her teeth and sucked in a breath. “Goodbye.”

With a final shove, she pushed him out of the door, surprised that he went and angry that he’d chuckled as he did so.

Summoning strength, she slammed the door. Hard. In his face. “Jerk.”

Glaring at a scratch in the wood, she rammed her hands onto her hips. Emotions ran riot. Her body ached with desire, an actual physical pain. It had been so long since she’d last had sex she could barely remember it.

“He’s a pain in the ass,” she muttered, but even as she spoke, she knew she wanted him. Craved him. It was lust, nothing more. She was a boiling mass of desire, trembling with it.

One fuck. What harm could it do?

She pulled open the door, all rational thought fading away. A primitive, carnal need had gripped her. She needed cock, and she needed it now.

Wyatt would do nicely.