Page 32 of Badass Biker

Razor’s gaze went to Leah. “You taking company?”

“Yeah. Leah, she’s from Pierce.”

Razor’s shaggy eyebrows lifted a little. “You’re a long way from home, doll.”

“Everyone needs a change of scenery.” She smiled and tried not to stare at the scythe tattoo beside his right eye.

He huffed. “You look more suited to a five-star in Hawaii.”

Leah didn’t say anything. Truth was, her last trip had been to Hawaii, but that was a couple of years ago with Dan, and she’d pushed it from her mind. “A girl has to try a few things on before deciding what suits her.”

Carter chuckled and revved the engine. “Don’t wait up.”

“I won’t.” Razor slapped him on the arm. “Stay safe. Both of you.”

As Carter rode up the gears, Leah hung on tight and tried to ignore the tone in Razor’s words:stay safe. It hadn’t been flippant, indeed, she couldn’t imagine him ever being flippant.

“Shouldn’t take too long,” Carter called over his shoulder. “To get to the border.”


She pushed worries from her mind. She was trying to ease up, take a vacation. Worrying wasn’t on her agenda. It was difficult though, because she’d been a tight ball of seriousness with an aversion to risk for so long.

Carter pulled to the left, sped up, and overtook a semi.

She tensed and locked her fingers at his abdomen. A thrill rushed through her, heating her blood and bringing a wide smile to her face.

See, risk was fun. She could do it.


Carter stared at the dusty road stretching ahead. Border control was around the next bend.

He had illegal cargo, there was no denying that. But money talked. Or at least it always had in the past.

Leah had clung to him the entire way, her small arms a tight embrace. He wondered what was going through her mind. She was a smart cookie, and there was no way she didn’t have suspicions that he was playing on the wrong side of the law.

Question was, would she say anything, or would she let it slide and just accept him for who he was and what he did?

He’d have to wait and see.

The familiar entry to Mexico loomed, the large green, white, and red letters looming. He took thenothing to declareline to the far left as he always did.

“What about that one?” Leah called and pointed over his shoulder.

He could see why she’d made the suggestion. There were only a dozen cars and a couple of motorhomes in that line.

“Nah, this will do.” It had to. It was the only one he could go through.

She didn’t say anything more as he rolled along, stopping and starting. Eventually, their light flicked to green and they reached the perspiring officer standing beside his booth, weapon on show. His peaked cap was pulled low and his top two buttons were undone, displaying a chest thick with hair.

“Hola,” Carter said and handed over both his and Leah’s passport.

The officer said nothing. He took them and flicked Leah’s open, glanced at her, and then opened Carter’s.

His expression didn’t change, not one bit, as he slid the five hundred dollars up his sleeve. He handed the passports back.

“You returning today?” he asked.