Page 84 of Badass Biker

Once again, Rambo wandered over to say hello, though he didn’t seem particularly enthusiastic in the mid-afternoon heat.

Leah felt braver this time, but she still stayed close to Carter as Rambo sniffed them both.

“C’mon,” Carter said. “Let’s see what’s going down at Nina’s.”

“Sure.” She wasn’t surprised that was his suggestion. Unless he’d had a good spring clean of his place—gotten rid of his porn stash and ashtrays overflowing with weed stubs—then she wasn’t likely to get another invite in daylight.

They pushed through the bullet-ridden door. She wasn’t sure, but it seemed like another hole had been added since she’d last been there. It was busier this time, the hum of conversation wrapping around them as they stepped into the dim light. Music was playing too, some old Johnny Cash song.

“I’ll go get us a beer,” Carter said. “You hang with Wyatt and Belle.” He pointed to a table near a flashing slot machine. “Taff’s not around, which is always a good thing.”

She hesitated. Heads were turning her way, including Brooklyn and Hudson. Near them was a woman with bubbles of blonde hair, a low-cut top, and a large tattoo of a heart at her sternum. The way she was glaring at Leah could only mean one thing.

She was a Carter ex.

“Yo,” Carter said, raising his arm to Wyatt.

Wyatt responded with a wave. Belle beamed and made a come-hither gesture.

“Go,” he said to her.

She left his side. With her chin tilted, she joined the only two people she vaguely knew at Nina’s.

“Hey, Leah,” Belle said, scooting along to make room for Leah on the bench. “How are things?”

“On the change.” She smiled. “I’m making a move down here from Pierce.”

“Thank fuck that plan pulled off.” Wyatt shook his head.

“What do you mean?” Leah asked.

“Carter has been a miserable son of a bitch all week.” Belle laughed. “It was like he’d had a limb cut off not having you around.”

Those words caused Leah’s heart to trip over itself. “He has?”

“Yeah.” Wyatt huffed. “I probably shouldn’t say it, and he’ll whip my ass, but that guy has it bad.”

She clasped her hands in her lap. “Just as well I’m here now then.”

Belle set her hand over Leah’s. “We’re glad to have you.” She looked around the room. “But some folk in here are like cacti when they see a new face. They don’t trust, so don’t take no offense by their prickles.”

“I won’t.” Leah could tell exactly who Belle was talking about. Tattooed chest was still staring her way.

“So you’re buying the beach house?” Wyatt asked.

“Yes, and thank you for speaking to the owner for me.”

Wyatt shared a look with Belle. “No problem. Anything for Carter’s old lady.”

They were quiet for a moment, then Leah spoke. “I’m guessing things didn’t go well with business last night.” She pointed to her eye. “Carter is sporting a shiner.”

Wyatt huffed. “Well as can be expected.”

“So tell me about your folks,” Belle said quickly and with a big smile. “What they do?”

“My father is the mayor of Pierce.”

“Whoa, you really are a fancy bit of ass.” Wyatt laughed. “If you don’t mind me saying.”