Page 37 of Badass Biker

“If you mean has she ever gotten into bed with another club, no, she hasn’t.”

“How’d you know?”

He reached for his cigarettes and tapped one out, then put it between his lips. “I just do.” He rummaged for his lighter. It was in his cut pocket.

“Well, you just make sure she’s sound, remember—”

“Ma, don’t give me this crap. Of course, I remember Shannon, she was a fucking nightmare sharing our business dealings with the Scavengers. Cost us a damn fortune.”

“And Jordan thought she was a little angel, wouldn’t say boo to her own shadow.” She huffed. “Just goes to show what lies beneath a pretty face, and Razor said what he could see of your new girl, she has quite the pretty face.”

“Leah, her name is Leah, and sure, she’s pretty.” He lit his cigarette.

“Of course, she is, only pretty girls for my boy.” Brooklyn paused. “So how can you be sure she’s clean, not another plant?”

He dragged in a lungful of smoke, then blew it out in a fast, thin steam. “I just do.”

“But how? I mean we can’t be too—”

“She’s a goddamn attorney, okay, from Pierce, I met her there. She’s as straight-laced, prim and proper as it gets.”

Silence. It wasn’t often Brooklyn Harris was silent, and Carter enjoyed the moment, brief though it would be.

“An attorney.” Brooklyn chuckled. “Well, well, you’ve done us proud, exactly what we need. Exactly what I told you to do.”

“That’s not why I’m with her.”

“Doesn’t matter. You are, so I’ll go now and let you do your stuff, son. Love you.”

“Yeah, love you too.” He hung up.

After slipping his cell away, he leaned his elbows on the railing and sucked on his smoke. He’d been so swept up in Leah, in getting her naked, that he’d forgotten the conversation with his mother and Wyatt about having a club attorney to hand. But now that he thought about it, he hoped that conversation would be buried. Brooklyn’s suggestion had nothing to do with how he felt about Leah. She could have been a damn air stewardess and he’d still find her attractive.

Mmm, now there was a thought, she would look damn cute in those tight little outfits too.

He flicked ash and found his attention harnessed by the waves. There were some good rollers, and he was surprised there were no surfers out there. If he didn’t have other plans for his night, he might have grabbed a board and caught a few.

But he did have other plans.

He bashed out his smoke and turned.

The door pulled open.

Leah stepped out wearing the sexiest, tiniest little black silk robe he’d ever seen. It stopped mid-thigh, and the neckline dipped low. He could see her nipples poking at the material … again.

He swallowed, blood rushing to his groin and his heart rate picking up.

“Here.” She handed him the cola. “You forgot your drink.”

He took it and popped the ring pull.

Her hair was damp and brushed back from her face, and the scent of creamy shower gel wafted toward him.

“It’s nice out here.” She sat on one of the soft chairs and crossed her long legs. Her feet were bare.

He wondered if she were bare beneath the robe.

Taking a few big gulps of cola, Carter decided he had absolutely zero patience when it came to finding out. He slammed the can down on a table and walked over to her. He stooped and put his hands on the arms of her chair so he was leaning over her.