Page 22 of Badass Biker

“An apology.” He held up his backpack. “Lunch.”

“You think lunch will atone for the fact I had to ride pillion all night and now I’m here I don’t have any transport of my own?”

He gestured to his Harley. “Your carriage awaits. Just let me know when and where you want to go.”

She huffed and her scowl deepened.

Damn it. She was madder than he’d thought.

“I presumed you would have gone home by now. Back to your club headquarters, gang office, or whatever you called it.”

“Compound.” He smiled. He’d always been told by Brooklyn that he had a winning smile, and right now, he wanted to win Leah over more than anything. “And I’ve been home, got some shut-eye.”

She was silent.

“It’s down the road, close, but I thought you knew that.”

“Why would I?”

“Because I told you,” he said. “I told you I lived in Clement when we were at the bar, with Willow.”

She bit on her bottom lip.

“Heck,” he said, “I thought you’d rented this place to be near me.” He laughed, hoping she’d join in. “Couldn’t get enough of me and all that.”

She didn’t even smile.

“So,” he said, shifting from one foot to the other. “Lunch?” He held up the backpack again. He’d stopped at a local deli and filled up on all of his favorite snacks, hoping she’d enjoy them too.

“I’m not hungry.”

“So we’ll ride out? I know a great little spot we could—”

“I have work to do.” She gripped the door and pushed it up.

But she didn’t connect it with the frame. It hit his boot. “Leah,” he said, nudging closer. “I’m sorry. Taking the spark plug was a stupid thing to do, but … well … I like you.” Fuck, he didn’t usually have this much trouble with women. “I like you a lot.”

This one was worth it. He knew that in the marrow of his bones.

“Well, I don’t like you.” She tilted her chin and narrowed her eyes. “At all.”

He leaned closer. “Liar.”

She gritted her teeth.

“You think I can’t see what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, Leah?” he said and tapped his temple. “You want me, the same way I want you. Opposites attract and all that.” He lowered his voice. “And you know damn well we’d be good together, hell, one fuck and I’d ruin you for all other men.”

She swallowed, a quiet gulp, and he knew he’d gotten to her.

“So forget about what daddy dearest would think,” he went on, “and that you’ve pigeon-holed me as a biker asshole, and jump on for the ride of your life.”

Her eyes flashed.

“You won’t regret it.” He allowed his gaze to drift down her body and then slowly back up. “Hell, you’ll be screaming for more and I’ll give it. Every. Damn. Time.”

Her cheeks were red now, and her pupils were dilated. She hitched in a breath. “Go. Get off these premises.”

He hesitated, then withdrew his boot.