“But…” Leif held up his palms and shrugged in Njal’s direction. “It is the king’s decision. It is his boat, his raid.”
“No, brother. It is your choice,” Njal said. “But if you do not want to discover the taste of your cock and balls, then I would invite her aboard.”
Bodil jumped onto the longboat, landing lightly. She stuck her face close to Leif’s. “Unlike most maidens, Leif, I have no interest in doinganythingwith your cock other than slicing it off.”
“Is that so?” Leif asked, raising one eyebrow. “Because in the past when—”
“That was the past.” With a loud clatter, she dropped her weapon and shield to the deck. “Where shall I oar?”
Njal turned with an amused smile on his face.
His grin faded when his attention settled on Tove. He strode to her, his cloak flapping open, the man seemingly unaffected by the frigid temperature.
“My love.” He cupped her cheek. “Do not look so fearful.”
“How can I not?” She stared into his eyes. “You’re my king, and my husband, and you are sailing into the jaws of the great ocean.”
“I am also a fine voyager, and I have a strong longboat and brave warriors. All will be well. And if it is not, it is what the gods have planned. It will be my destiny, and I will see you in the next world.”
She pressed her hand over his and shook her head. “I want you in this one for a while longer.”
“I will be.” He brushed his lips over hers. “Look after our sons, and when I return, we will have more sons of our own.”
“I want that.”
Knud slipped his hand into hers. Tove squeezed it. “But I will love them all the same. I will love every one of our sons and daughters with all of my heart—the way I love you.”
“As I love you. You are in every drop of my blood, and every beat of my Viking heart. I would be a fool in this world without you.”
“Oh, Njal!” She leaned into him. “Do you have to go?”
“I have to have vengeance on those who killed our people in cold blood. What kind of king would I be if I did not?”
“You are a good king, a great king.”
“And you are a great queen. The people of Halsgrof are lucky to have you.” He caught her in a hug, his mouth pressing down on hers.
She kissed him hard, his beard abrading her chin. She tried to let him know with her lips, her tongue, just how much she adored and loved him, and that he had to come back safe. She couldn’t exist without him.
“King Njal, the longboat is ready.”
He pulled back and sighed. His eyes flashed with emotion. “It is time to leave. We must catch the tide.”
“May the gods go with you and protect you.”
“I feel them here.” He banged his chest with his fist. “Odin and Thor are ready to battle the ocean with me. And then they will battle King Egbert with me. We will be victorious in our vengeance.”
“Brother!” Leif shouted, his arm looped around the central mast. “Do not let us leave without you!”
Njal growled. He released Tove then stooped and pressed a kiss to Knud’s head. “Look after the queen and your brother.”
“Aye, Father.” Knud nodded seriously. “I will.”
“Good boy.” He turned, and with his wide shoulders swinging, walked along the pier and leaped onto the longboat beside Leif.
Tove held in a sob. She couldn’t be upset, not in front of Knud. She had to stay strong for him and little Frode.
Wanda stood close and slipped her arm around Tove’s waist. “He is a great voyager and warrior. Do not fear.”