Njal took Tove’s hand and pulled her to her feet. “My queen, you took the lightning from the storm in a way I’m not sure even Thor could manage.”

She giggled and batted his chest. “That is too fine a compliment.”

“You said you have heard of this before? A child being a gift to the village?”

“I have, yes. But, Njal, you don’t really think’s what happened here, do you?”

“No. I believe Sune has put his cock in Astridmanya time.”

She smiled. “So do I.”

“But you have not answered my question, Tove. Where have you heard of this before?”

“From a storyteller, a wanderer who stopped by our farm many years ago. I was a young girl.”

His shoulders stiffened. “A wanderer?”

“He stayed with us a while. Worked the field, and told sagas in return for food and shelter.”

“I have little trust of wanderers.”

“It is not surprising, given what happened with the banished queen.”

“I do not”—he caught her face, his fingers tight—“want youeverspeaking with a wanderer again, Tove. Do you hear me?”

“Aye, I hear you.”

His eyes darkened, his lips a flat line.

“I have no intention of speaking to wanderers.”

“Good.” He leaned closer. “Because I will not risk losing you to a wanderer who is full of sagas, and claims to be a god himself.”

Curiosity poked at her. “In what way did he claim he was a god?”

“I do not wish to speak of it.” He released her and stepped away.

Tove pressed her palms over her new owl buckle and sucked in a deep breath. She didn’t dare push him, because she was sure if she disobeyed her husband with this rule, she’d be in for a very severe spanking.

She likely wouldn’t be able to sit for a week. Maybe two.

As much as pleasing him filled her with joy, displeasing him made her feel very bad, indeed.

For it hurt both her bottom—and her heart.

Chapter 8

Halfdan appeared at the entrance to the Great Hall. “King Njal?”


“The pass to Cativad is blocked with snow. It will be impenetrable until the thaw.”

“My mother?” A tangle of fear threaded around Tove’s heart.

“Did the Viking get through with supplies?” Njal asked quickly.

“I believe so. He left just in time. As long as an avalanche didn’t take his mortal life, all should be well.”