“Now,” he said, lowering himself until his chest skimmed against hers, his lips hovering at her mouth. “We will find pleasure together. I will fill you with seed, and make a son on this, our wedding night.”

She nodded, stabbing her fingers into his hair. Pleasure seemed an impossible concept at that moment, but if he found it, it would be so very good.

He rode forward, sliding over her body. His pubic hair connected with hers, dragging over her sweet spot.

“Oh!” Her mouth fell open. It hadn’t felt bad, though. It had been very good, indeed.

“Do not fight it,” he said. “And you will enjoy it.”

He repeated that gentle action, riding over her sweet spot as he pressed into her.

“Njal,” she gasped, raising her head. “Oh… yes, I understand.”

She kissed him then.

Instantly, he took control of the kiss, his tongue sliding into her mouth the way his cock was sliding into her cunny. His movements were deep and intense, but not wild, and his thrusting no longer hurt.

Now, Tove was concentrating on the grinding her sweet spot was taking. A pressure was building again, one that would need to release.

She had indeed been fortunate to have such a skillful husband.

“You are a gift from the gods. Your cunny is a gift from the gods,” he murmured against her cheek. “And during the long dark winter days, this cunny is where I will want to be.”

“Aye… oh, aye!” She hooked her legs around his hips, holding him to her, meeting him thrust for thrust. Now his cock felt like the perfect fit, and she was so wet and slippery for him.

“Find your pleasure,” he said gruffly. “Find it again, around my cock.”

She buried her face in his bearded neck and closed her eyes. His scent, his weight, his heat had her body singing for him. Soon, she would claim that high point, mountain high, and topple into bliss.

He grunted, grasping her right breast, squeezing it tight.

The sudden dart of discomfort tipped her over the edge, and she cried out, the release swift, profound.

“Ah, Thor, in your name… I… ah!” He grunted, pulled out, then plunged into her, going even deeper than before.

She wailed, his thrusting seeming to blast pleasure harder and faster through her pelvis. It spread over her skin. She shook and trembled as he gathered her close, growling as he rutted into her, his cock surging within the clutch of her sex.

She was surrounded by him, in every breath she took, every heartbeat. Never could she have dreamed sex could make her feel so complete, so close to another human being.

Eventually, he stilled, his head buried beside hers, his breaths coming fast.

He was heavy, but luckily had remembered to support most of his weight. Feeling bold and curious, Tove ran her hands down his back gently, her fingernails scraping his skin.

He shuddered and kissed the side of her head.

She continued her journey until she reached his buttocks. They were warm, hard orbs, and she traced their shape, enjoying her first exploration of a man’s body.

“I pleased you,” he murmured.


He raised his head, staring down at her. “It wasn’t a question. I know I did.”

“Will it be like that every time, husband?”

“When you have obeyed me, then aye, I will make it my duty to ensure you get pleasure from your sweet spot.” He brushed a strand of hair from her perspiring brow. “If you disobey me, your body is mine to do with as I please, with no mind for your satisfaction.”

“I will not disobey you, Sire. I promise that in the name of Thor and Odin.”