“Shh.” He half smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. “You are not broken. You are now a woman ready to take cock. My cock, a king’s cock.” He wiped a streak of her blood over his brow, leaving a red smear, then he did the same to her. “Great ships cannot be built without felling a few trees. It is the same for a woman—the barrier has to be broken before the hole is ready for cock.”

Tove wasn’t quite sure what he meant, but her husband appeared pleased with her—and himself.

So, that was enough.

“You found pleasure,” he said, climbing over her and slotting between her legs.


“I hoped that would take your mind off the pain of breaking down your barrier. But now, now it is time to take my big cock, and while I will permit you to fondle yourself, I am not sure how much it will assist you.”

“I will take your cock, husband. I will.” She hoped she sounded more certain than she felt.

“You will.” He locked his elbows and stared down at where his huge penis was angled at her entrance. “Oh, aye, every bit of it. You will take me.”

He pushed forward, the impossibly wide head finding purchase in her entrance.

Tove dug her heels into the furs and wrapped her hands as far around his biceps as she could. She’d need something to cling onto for this.

“Open yourself,” he said, his teeth gritted. “Do not hold tight.”

She stared up at his face. His brow was creased, a blooming of color upon his cheeks.

He curled his hips, forcing his way into her.

She bit down on her bottom lip. How could he think this would work? He was so big, she was so small.

His determined drive continued.

The stretching was dense, a nip of pain tugged at her insides as he buried himself deeper.

“My queen,” he grunted. “You are taking me.”

“Aye, my king.”

Oh, but it was sore, and he was so wide and hard. Her eyes welled, a drip escaping each one, leaking to her temples.

He must have seen the tears, for he was studying her face so intently. But still he impaled her, his penetration slow and steady.

“How much… more?” she gasped.

Her heart was pounding. She’d never felt so invaded, so owned.

“Nearly… there.” He reached down, grasped her thigh and pulled it upward to his hip, stretching her, opening her more for him.

His rigid cock sank deeper into her tight wet channel. She was helpless against it.

She moaned and screwed her eyes up.

“Nearly… ah… yeah.”

His body butted up against hers.

“Oh, Njal…it’s so…”

“It is going to be so good.Weare so good. Your cunny is hugging me like a noose, it loves me so.”

Tove couldn’t answer; she was struggling to accommodate him without crying out.