He took it in his big fist and rubbed base to tip.

All of Wanda’s reassurances were blown out to sea. Tove knew this was an impossible marriage. She would never fit King Njal into her body. How could she? She was a small, mortal woman. He was a huge, royal giant.

“My cock is anxious to meet the cunny of my new wife,” he said, coming to the edge of the bed. “It is hard for you.”

Tove couldn’t stop staring at the tip peeking from his fist as he worked his erection.

“And if I thought you disgusting, my cock would not be hard. The more beautiful I find a woman, the harder my cock.”

“You… you think I’m…” She flicked her attention to his face. “Beautiful?”

“Aye.” He crawled onto the bed. “What king wouldn’t want an untouched maiden with pert breasts and clean skin in his bed? What cock wouldn’t want to sink deep and release pleasure in that maiden?”

His face was close to hers now, and he stopped working his cock. “I am going to claim you now. For this night—and every night—you are mine, in summer and winter, when times are good and hard. You, Tove, are my wife and my queen—and you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

He kissed her, his lips determined, his tongue slipping inside her mouth.

Surprise caught in her throat as she stared at his closed eyelids. His beard was prickly on her chin but not in an unpleasant way. She caught the rhythm of his kiss and poked her tongue forward to connect with his.

He groaned and tipped his head, deepening the stroke of his tongue.

Tove closed her eyes, lost to the new sensation. Her belly did a small flip as a warm glow filled her chest.

He slid his hand over her knee and down to her ankle, tracing and learning the shape of her. Then he wrapped his fingers around her foot and dragged her leg straight.

She gasped and gripped his shoulder, their lips staying connected.

He did the same with the other leg, and pulled her down the bed until she was lying on her back and he was over her.

“Wife,” he said against her lips. “Am I the first man to kiss you?”


“Do you like it?” He pulled back a little.

She stared into his eyes. “I think you should do it some more before I make up my mind.”

He chuckled, a deep throaty sound, then kissed her again.

Chapter 6

Tove clung to Njal’s shoulders, her muscles quivering as she tried to relax. She did like kissing him, she knew that already. His warmth, his taste, his smell, it all made her crave more of his mouth upon hers.

He stroked her hair, then slid his finger down her cheek to her jawline. From there his hand went lower, to her neck, gripping it, a gentle hold.

Her eyes flew open and she stopped kissing him.

He slipped to his side, fixated on where he held her.

With every beat of her heart, Tove was acutely aware of how big and powerful he was. He could kill her as easily as he could squash a midge, or step on an ant. She was a small scrap of skin and bones compared to his bulk and vigor.

The hold on her throat released.

She dragged in a deep breath.

His touch slipped to her right breast. He cupped it, stroking his thumb over her nipple.

Her breasts were heavier now, swollen. Her nipples suddenly sensitive, harder than ever before.