She whimpered and stood.

What was he going to do to her?

“Over…”—he clasped her wrist and pulled her close—“…you go.”

“Oh!” The breath was pushed from her lungs as her breasts were flattened upon Njal’s rock-hard thighs, her crown rattling to the floor.

“You need to know,” he said, trapping her in place with his thick arm over her shoulders, “what will happen if you disobey me.”

“I won’t disobey you, Sire. I promise.” She scrabbled for something to hold on to, and found his leg. She clutched at his soft leather pants and tried to push up. “Please.”

“Keep still.” He pulled her closer against his body.

She kicked up her heels, trying to gain purchase to right herself. Over his knee she was so vulnerable and at his mercy.

“Stop that.” He batted at her calves. “Do not raise your feet.”

She gasped. “But—”

“I intend for you, my second queen, to know your place from day one.” He dragged at her tunic, rucking it from her ankles and up to her thighs.

Cool air washed over her skin. She was in the same vulnerable position Gert had been with her husband. Her head spun, blood rushing in her ears. She tried to think straight. Did the king want to have sex with her like this? She didn’t think so, but never having taken a cock she wasn’t sure of the details.

“You will eat like a queen,” he said, rubbing his wide hand up her right thigh to her bare ass. “And fill out this sweet behind. I’d prefer it a bit rounder.”

Unlike Gert, Tove kept very still, and stared unseeing at where she gripped his pants. He was stroking her buttocks—which were bare because she couldn’t afford undergarments—caressing the cleft, the under-creases. His fingers slipping through her flesh, over her flesh.

He treated her like his property, as if her ass was his.

I am his!

A strange warmth slid from his touch up to her belly. It was like nothing she’d ever felt before, honeyed and golden, spreading to her chest.

She belonged to someone. And not just anyone.

She belonged to the king.

King Njal—the biggest, richest, mightiest king in all the land.

How lucky she was.


“Ouch!” She jerked and pitched forward. He landed a hard spank right across her buttocks. It stung like a hornet.

“This,” he said, “is what I should have done to my last queen.”

Slap. Slap. Slap.

“Oh!” She wriggled to get free.

But he held her securely.

Her bottom was heating as if real flames had licked over her delicate flesh.

“I should have spankedherround behind the moment she stepped out of line.”

“But I haven’t stepped out of line!” Tove gasped, her eyes misting.