Page 22 of Taming Her

Good. He might act cool, but he was affected by her near nakedness.

She stood quickly from the bed. Her head swam in complaint.

“You okay?”

“Of course.” Taking a deep breath, she scanned the room. “Where are my clothes? My purse.”


“Because I want to get dressed, call a cab, and go home.”

“You’re not calling anyone or going anywhere.”

She spotted the cuffs on the surface of an antique dressing table. “Why? Am I under arrest, Officer?”

“Not in the traditional sense.”

“Care to explain?” She swiped her tongue over her bottom lip and stepped up to him. Moisture slicked between her thighs.

Ah, yes, we fucked.

The memory of them going for it on the kitchen floor slammed into her consciousness. He’d been every bit as big as she recalled from their college romance, maybe more so, and he’d certainly filled out everywhere else—his t-shirt, stretched over his pecs, shoulders, and biceps like that should come with a hazard warning for female self-control.

Shame he was looking at her with none of the admiration her conquests usually did.

Why the hell not? I was good last night. Of course I was.

“You, Ava.” He trailed the tip of his finger from the hollow of her throat to her sternum. “Are out of control.” His finger continued its journey south and settled in her navel.

Her nipples peaked, turning into tight twists. “Out of control?” she asked quietly, her attention on a few thick strands of his black hair that had fallen onto his brow.

“And I’m guessing that’s been the case for a long time.”

“You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Do you have a job? A career?”

Now there was a sore point. She knew she really should be doing something with her life other than spending Daddy’s money. “What business is it of yours what my career is?”

“I’m making it my business, it’s about time someone did.” His touch lowered to the thin material of her thong. He smoothed out a crease in the material. “Your friends are too in awe of you to confront you about your lack of career—”

“But I—”

“I’m speaking!” He held up his finger. “Be quiet.”

To her annoyance, Ava couldn’t think of a witty retort. Instead she turned her head.

“And your father, I’m guessing nothing has changed since college. You see him infrequently but get frequent cash deposits from him.”

“He’s busy, he’s…”

“Where is he now?” Griff raised his eyebrows.

She sighed, a familiar hollowness filling her chest. “Maldives, last I heard.”

“Busy then.”

“Busy with one of his girlfriends.”