Page 9 of Taming Her

“She’d chew him up and spit him out, wouldn’t you, Ava.” Sandy laughed. “Poor little Bradley wouldn’t know what had hit him.”

“Would be fun though,” Mel said with a giggle, “chewing him up, that is. I bet he’d taste nice.”

They all laughed as they walked past a queue leading to the entrance of Ruby’s, the new bar.

“Hey, David,” Ava said, recognizing the bouncer from another club. “How are you?”

“Ava.” He grinned. “Saw your name, in you go.”

“Thanks.” Stepping past him, she blew a kiss his way.

Her phone beeped and she glanced at the screen. A message from her father. She opened it.

Sorry, it’s a no-go this weekend, honey. Hitting Dubai for a friend’s wedding. Will try and catch up next month if I’m in the UK. Dad x

Her breath hitched. This was the fourth time he’d let her down in as many months. She’d only seen him once all year. And he didn’t even have the decency to call and explain. Brushed aside as though she meant nothing… which was obviously the case.

Her eyes misted and her throat tightened. She pushed the bitter taste of disappointment away. It would rise later, slap her about, twist her guts, but for now she was out with her friends.

So she pasted on a smile and hoped no one spotted the sadness in her eyes—sadness that she meant nothing to the one man she was supposed to mean everything to.

The club was loud and hot, the throbbing music seeming to vibrate right to her heart.

They made their way to the bar, and while the barman made up three Hendersons they threw back complimentary flutes of cava.

“Hey, Ava, you made it.”

She turned and came face to face with Bradley. “Hi, B, thanks for the invite.” She kissed first his left, then his right cheek. “Place looks awesome. Love the gothic décor.”

He grinned and his eyes sparkled. “Glad you like it. Want a tour?”

“Maybe later.” She nodded at the bar. “I’m having a catch up with my girls first.”

His mouth flattened, just for a split second, then he grinned again. “Okay, I’ll find you.”

Chapter 3

Just after one a.m. Griff parked his patrol car by the quayside and climbed out. He stretched, his limbs stiff after driving around for the last few hours.

But there was a new club with the license extended one hour after midnight for the opening party. He reckoned he’d check it out, make sure they were complying and everyone was heading home. The walk would do his muscles good.

He wandered over a pedestrian bridge covered in padlocks—symbols of unbreakable love. He liked it, but for Griff a padlock had another meaning—ownership as well as unbreakable love. If he were to click a padlock it would be on the collar of the woman he wanted to be with… forever.

Ruby’s was lit in scarlet, the music still blasting. Huge stone gargoyles flanked the entrance and fake smoke puffed from their open mouths.

He sighed, knowing he’d have to wander in and remind them of the law. But at least there was a small flow of people out of the door. The place was winding down.

For a moment he paused in the shadows. Two women he recognized were leaving together. They were Ava’s friends from Saturday night. Brunette and Bride-to-be.

And if they’re here…

He watched them head in the direction of the taxi rank. Had they left Ava in there alone? Would they do that? From what he knew that was against girl code.

A surge of protectiveness came over him. He didn’t know why. Ava had been perfectly capable of looking after herself since college. She hadn’t needed him acting as a burly bodyguard overseeing her every move. Yet now he felt a duty to her, a compulsion to ensure her wellbeing. It was strong, a real tug in his heart, a physical reaction.

He walked to the entrance and straight up to the bouncer. Dave. A decent sort who could be relied upon if things got dicey. “How’s it going?”

Dave, who was holding the door open, grinned, showing that he’d lost a front tooth since Griff had last seen him. “All good, no problems. Just kicking out now.”