Ava laughed. “Ah, man up, it was good stuff.”
“Maybe for you, only the second time I’ve taken it. Think I’ll stick to the wine.”
“Yeah, you do that.” Ava took a drink.
“I can hear you slurping. Don’t tell me you have a glass on the go?”
“Of course, it was an early night, all things considered. We’re the party girls, remember.”
“You’re hard core, Ava.”
Ava laughed. “Just get yourself into gear for tomorrow evening, I have plans for us.”
“Why? What’s happening tomorrow? It’s a Monday, for heaven’s sake.”
“It’s the opening of that new bar, Ruby’s, down by Stable. I’ve got three VIP tickets. Sandy is coming too, said she wants all the nights out she can before she’s tied to the kitchen sink.”
“Ah… well…” Mel hesitated.
“Oh, Mel, please, it won’t be the same without you.”
“Okay, and I’ll be right as rain by then, don’t you worry.”
“Good.” Ava crossed and uncrossed her legs. “I’ll swing by in a cab about nine and pick you up. Dress to impress, you sexy chick.”
Mel laughed. “I’ll do my best, but whatever I wear you’ll outshine me.”
“Nonsense, you’re gorgeous. See you tomorrow.” She hung up and a visual of her dresses winged through her mind. She had a new purple, off the shoulder Cavalli that was crying out to be worn. Teamed with silver heels to show off her tanned legs, it would be quite the statement. Worth the VIP tickets Bradley the owner’s son had sent her.
Finishing the wine, she flicked the bedroom TV on. Monday mornings always meant a good long lie in. She thanked her lucky stars she didn’t have to work like all of her friends did. That would be such a bore.
* * *
With Mel and Sandy at her side, Ava strode along the quayside with her heels clicking on the pavement. The evening air wrapped around her bare legs like a silken caress. She had a nice buzz going on already and the taste for another gin and tonic.
“Wow, it’s busy for a Monday,” Sandy said, taking a few paces at a run to keep up.
“Yeah, I told you it would be.” Ava grinned. “I’m so glad you could both make it.”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Mel said, linking her arm with Ava’s.
Ava gave her hand a squeeze.
“I don’t know how you got the tickets,” Sandy said.
“Bradley Ruby fancies her.” Mel laughed.
“Do you fancy him?” Sandy asked.
Ava huffed. “He’s too young, only twenty-two or twenty-three, I forget which.”
“Cute though, I heard he’s got a modeling contract.”
“Mmm, I heard that too. But no, he’s not for me.”
“Why not?” Mel asked.
The truth was Ava didn’t really know why not. Bradley ticked all the boxes. He was handsome in a surfer dude kind of a way, came from a well-off family, and he always lavished her with attention.