Page 3 of Taming Her

“Yeah, well, keeps us employed.” Griff swallowed, his throat a little tight and his mouth dry. His emotions were swirling now that he was approaching Ava—a combination of longing, anger, curiosity, and excitement.

He was glad the call had been made even if Rex wasn’t. Perhaps he’d be able to get some closure, finally. Then his consciousness could put to rest the ache in his heart Ava had left there and he could consider committing to one of the many women he played with at Cauldron.

“More bubbles,” one woman shouted as she hopped down from the sofa then began filling up glasses, splashes flying. “After that the good stuff.”

“Shh,” the bride said, drunkenly pressing her fingers to her lips. “That’s a secret.”

A few customers glanced up at Griff and Rex as they maneuvered through the maze of chairs and tables.

“Hey, Sandy, you promised Ted anal as a wedding night gift, right?” Ava shouted then giggled.

“Hell, yeah!” the bride replied. “But I told him, he plays with mine, I play with his.”

A deafening hoot threatened to burst Griff’s eardrums. He winced and came to a stop on the outer edge of their circle of low-backed chairs.

“Fuck, wouldn’t let no chick play with my asshole,” Rex muttered.

Griff held in a smirk and folded his arms, knuckles pressing against his biceps. The women in front of him were in their own substance-fueled world. They hadn’t appeared to notice the two tall uniformed police officers standing at their sides watching them.

“Hey, didn’t we order more bubbles,” the woman to Ava’s left cried, upending an empty bottle and ramming it in an ice bucket. “Waiter!” Her attention landed on first Rex, then Griff. “Oh, look, ladies! The strippers have arrived.”

What the fuck?

All attention turned to Griff and Rex. False eyelashes lifted around widening eyes. A few women flicked hair over their shoulders, licked lips, and puffed up their chests so their tits pressed against their party dresses.

Griff’s focus settled on Ava.

She’d done none of those things, just raised one perfectly arched eyebrow and allowed the right side of her mouth to tilt, the way she always had when something vaguely amused her.

Did she recognize him? Griff wasn’t sure. Back in the day he’d had a thick dark beard, proud to be able to grow one, and now he was clean shaven. He’d been big then but he’d bulked up further since; a free gym at the station made it easy to work out.

“Oh, you guys, I told you not to bother.” The bride stood. “But hell, I’m so glad you did.” She cupped her breasts and made a show of hoisting them up. “Okay, boys, I’m ready for ya!”

Another squeal of laughter.

“And,” she went on. “There’s two so we can all get a good eyeful… or handful if we’re lucky.”

“Not strippers, ma’am,” Rex said.

“Don’t play coy with us.” The bride lurched toward him, hiccupping. “Just get that uniform off. We wanna see what you got beneath it.”

Rex sidestepped, then grabbed her elbow when she stumbled. “You need to quieten down or leave the premises.”

“Yeah, where we going, Officer? Back to your place?”

Giggles erupted.

“I don’t think my wife would be too pleased about that.” Rex snatched her wrist when she went for the handcuffs hanging around his waist.

“She’ll soon be a wife herself, go on, give her a last bit of fun.” A woman in a tiny black dress stood.

Griff kept one eye on her, the other on Ava who was watching the bride-to-be with her slightly amused smile still tugging her glossy pink lips.

God, those lips. He remembered all the things she’d done with them, from kissing to sucking his cock—a particular talent of hers.

He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, irritated that his dick was stirring just from being close to her. Breathing the same air as her.

“Sit down, gorgeous,” the woman in the black dress said, her boozy breath hitting Griff full on. “AndI’llgiveyoua lap dance to get this party started.”