Page 19 of SWAT

“I’m sure we can make you feel a few other things too.”

He stepped away and I swung a little struggling to stay so elongated. But I would. I was determined to. My nipples were tight peaks and my pussy already damp in anticipation of what Jonathan had planned.

He hadn’t taken off a stitch of clothing yet.

In the corner of the room was a black leather bench complete with stirrups. I’d seen that kind of thing in a medical setting before, but not here.

Jonathan was at a cupboard. His back was rod straight beneath his crisp white shirt and his head stooped.

When he turned with something in his hand, I knew what it would be.

A flogger.

I gulped. It was much bigger than I’d imagined. And when he thwacked the side of his leg, each strip of leather seemed to crack against the material of his black pants.

“You know why you’re getting this, don’t you, sub?”

I nodded.


“Yes, Master. For a defiant tone.” As I’d spoken I remembered the moment. We’d been in the staff gym. There I’d beenhismaster,hissuperior. Now the tables were turned. It still stunned me that I enjoyed his dominance, that I allowed it.

But I did. I adored giving up the responsibility and having Jonathan call the shots. To let him be completely in charge, and allowing myself to trust him totally, with everything that I needed. It was a refreshing to have that weight lifted from my shoulders.

He allowed the flogger to hang low as he undid the buttons on his shirt. Slowly, one by one. He tugged it from the waistband of his pants and slipped it off. My mouth watered at the sight of his broad chest and lean abdomen. He was so damn big and strong—I hoped he remembered that when he started swiping that flogger on my ass.

He tossed the shirt aside. It landed on a soft leather armchair.

“Now it’s time to empty your mind,” he said, coming up behind me. “All that exists is this room, me, your body, and this flogger. I don’t want you to think of anything else.” He set a warm kiss on the nape of my neck. “All other worries, responsibilities, are no longer yours, Freya. I’ve taken them on for you. That’s what a Master does.”

“Yes,” I said breathily. He was hot against my back. My entire body was so aware of him, vulnerable to him.

“There’s nothing to think about, so close your eyes and just feel.”

I did as he’d instructed, the darkness falling inward as if the mask were an extra layer against the outside world.

“That’s it,” he said, “drop every thought downward, let it flow from your head to your feet.” He swept the flogger softly from my shoulders to my ass, then over the backs of my legs. “The team, the job, your bills, are no longer yours to think of. Let them soak from your toes into the ground.”

“Yes,” I murmured, tipping my head back and imagining each worry that kept me awake or slid through my mind during the day being absorbed by the Earth.

“You are light, Freya, light and perfectly in tune with your body and desires.” He paused and the flogger lifted. “You should brace yourself now.”

My belly tensed, a quiver travelled over my ass. I was aware of the air moving a fraction before the flogger hit across both of my buttocks. It was a sharp, stinging slap, the sound of it a short scream as leather hit flesh. Instantly heat spread over my skin and it was impossible not to jerk away, teetering on my toes.

“Keep hold,” he said sternly. “Letting go will not bode well for you.”

I gripped tighter, worrying that if my skin dampened with sweat, I’d slip.

He struck me again, another layer of heat over the first. I groaned, enjoying the sensation but still wary of it. Jonathan could deliver much harsher strikes if he decided to.

Another thwack, and another. Now I didn’t have to think about letting my thoughts go—they were just a wisp of dust in my memory. The delicious discomfort building on my ass cheeks was seeping to my pussy and my internal muscles were clenching and releasing, my clit pulsing gently.

“You pink up nicely,” he said, stepping close so his small patch of chest hair brushed against my skin. “And such a sweet ass.” He rubbed his work-roughened hands over my buttocks. “Is it making you wet?”

“Yes, I think so.” I still had my eyes closed and my head tipped back. “Please…”

“What do you want?”