Pop glanced over at me, and I figured it was now or never. I slowly walked toward Dragon, trying to remain unnoticed, making no sudden movements. There were a lot of guns pointed at the little piece of ground I was walking to. The tension was so thick, I felt like I was going to choke on it. Both Dragon and Tony turned their eyes to me as I walked between them. I was keeping my back more toward Dragon because I was close enough to them now that I couldn’t face them both at once. As pissed as Dragon was at me, I would rather have my back to him. Tony was unpredictable. Dragon was solid. I also wanted to make clear that my alliance was with the Aces. I could still hear Slider droning on behind me, trying to smooth things over…well, sort of. He was telling Tony to get the fuck off of his property before he buried him. Well, that was not what I was expecting to hear.

I had barely reached Dragon when the driver of the little silver convertible bounced up between us. She was gorgeous. Her hair hung to her ass and was silky, like one of those shampoo commercials. And the ass her hair was swishing across was fantastic. She was wearing leggings and a snug, little T-shirt, and I could tell that her tits were fake—very fake and very perky. She was a freaking goddess.

“Baby! What’s going on?”

And she was obviously stupid. All of these thoughts rushed through my head in a matter of seconds before I realized I was standing next to Dragon’s old lady. His beautiful, built, idiot old lady. Fuck me. Was I in a comedy of errors for fuck’s sake? Seriously? She shows up now? Yeah, I really should not have been surprised. This was how my life went. Just when I thought things couldn’t get worse, they did. She wrapped her arms around his waist, oblivious to the fact that his hands were still hanging down at his sides, and his face was like stone. Every single person had gone completely silent. Was this bitch insane or just completely self-absorbed? I couldn’t tell.

Tony began to laugh. “Ah shit, Brenna. God, and here I thought you were fucking the spic again. Shit. No way in hell is he leaving her for you. There is no comparison. Damn.” His eyes darted between her and me and then settled on me. “You don’t want to leave yet. Okay. You won’t be here long. You thought you’d just come back here and have your little family? Run back to this guy and start up all over again? That bitch has got a ring on her finger. There isn’t shit here for you. You’ll come back, baby. You’ll pay for it, but you’ll come back.” With a nod to his goons, he climbed back into the car.

I didn’t say anything back. I didn’t refute it. I just stood there, completely still. If I moved, I knew my body would shatter into a million pieces, and I’d never find them all. All these boys knew me. Even the ones I hadn’t grown up with, I’d met in the past two weeks. They knew I had left my husband. They knew he was crazy, and Pop and Slider were giving me sanctuary. They knew Dragon was Trix’s father. However, as I stood there, I also realized that they knew how hot Dragon’s old lady was, that he was married. They knew that I never stood a chance with him, which shouldn’t have even mattered because I’d told myself over and over that I didn’t want him.

But I did. I did want him, and now, I felt hollow. Tony insinuated that I’d come back to find Dragon, and he was right. I’d told myself I was running to my Pop, but I wasn’t. I was running to Dragon the same way I had always run to him in my mind when I needed him. Every time Tony beat me and every time he raped me, I’d closed my eyes, and I was with Dragon. I didn’t see anything, but his face close to mine, whispering like the night we met. And now, all of these men knew that my own husband looked at me and realized I wasn’t even in the same league as Dragon’s wife.

I didn’t know how long I was there before someone grabbed my arm, and I realized I had just been standing, eyes closed, in the middle of the forecourt, slowly falling apart while Tony left and the boys dispersed. It was Pop.

“Let’s get you inside, lass. You’re shaking like a leaf.”

I let Pop drag me toward the clubhouse even though I really didn’t want to go in there. The silver convertible was still parked in the yard, and I knew she was still around here somewhere. I also didn’t want to face everyone after that parting gift from Tony. What a fuck. He knew just what to say to inflict the most damage, and as usual, he had perfect aim. God, I was humiliated. I must have looked so pathetic, standing there in my own world while everyone left. Fuck.

The clubhouse was noisy when we walked in, and thankfully, no one seemed to notice us arrive. I glanced around to find Trix, but I couldn’t see her anywhere. She was supposed to be with Vera, but Vera was on Slider’s lap near the bar. No Trix. Pop had gotten a few steps ahead of me, but he stopped when he noticed I wasn’t moving. I was twisting from side to side, frantically searching for my girl in this room filled with bikers, and I couldn’t see her anywhere.

Had Tony somehow gotten ahold of her? No, he couldn’t have. She was with Vera; there was no way he took Trix. But where the hell was she? I’d only been outside for fifteen minutes tops. What the fuck was Vera doing with Slider? Where the hell was my child? My heart was thumping in my ears, and I was breathing so fast I could see black spots dancing in my vision. Oh god. Where was she?

I felt Pop come up behind me, and his arm stretched out over the top of my shoulder, his finger pointing to the corner of the room where a few leather chairs sat. He didn’t say a word, but I instantly saw what he was pointing at—Trix. Thank God.

My relief was short-lived when I realized Trix was on Dragon’s lap, and his bitch was seated beside them. She had a confused look on her face as she was watching Dragon talking to my girl. After a few seconds, her eyes turned cold and mean.