“I will get you something for it, and I’ll call for Mari to put Conner down in his cot.”
“Thank you, and yes, it would be for the best for Conner to go to Mari.” He tugged at his beard and his gaze skimmed over her. “Ensure you’re naked when I return, and on your knees before the fire.”
A surge of excitement raced through Isla. It seemed her husband had missed her as much as she had him. “Yes, sir.”
He turned and strode from the room, his boots clipping on the hard floor.
Before the door had been closed for even a minute, Mari appeared. “Shall I take the bairn?” she asked, holding out her arms.
“Aye, thank you.” Isla passed Conner over, even though she didn’t like the empty feeling it gave her.
“I’ll take good care of him, m’lady. I’ll call you if he coughs again.”
“I’m hoping that episode is over now.”
“Very good, m’lady.”
Mari slipped from the room.
With her pulse thudding in her ears and her body heating, Isla began to strip. She laid each item of clothing over a chair then stepped up to the fire. The rug beneath her feet was red and blue with a swirling pattern containing Celtic knots. She stared at it as she lowered to her knees, enjoying the anticipation of waiting for McTavish to come to her and of the flames warming her skin. There was something very primal about being without clothes by a fire, vulnerable too.
She steadied her breathing, counting as she inhaled then blew it out again. Her breasts rose and fell, and she concentrated on the air slipping down her throat as she did this over and over.
Time passed, she wasn’t sure how long, and she didn’t mind the wait. For she knew it would end, and then she would be with her lover and master.
Eventually the door opened.
McTavish stepped in and locked it behind him. He wore only a kilt, his feet were bare and he was clean shaven once more, his hair a little damp from bathing.
“Good lass,” he said, his attention raking over her.
She smiled and clasped her fingers together in the small of her back. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“And I you. I don’t wish us to be apart for such a length of time again.”
“The uprising is important.”
“Aye, it is. But so are you and Conner.” He stopped directly in front of her and cupped her chin. “You’re more beautiful than I ever could have remembered, wife of mine.”
A lovely, honeyed glow went through her. His words were spoken with such truth, and with the love shining from his eyes, she ken he was telling it from his heart.
“Open up,” he said, flicking aside his kilt. “I’ve been thinking of your mouth on my journey.”
She did as he’d asked, her jaw stretching and her tongue flat on the base.
He was fully erect and cupped his shaft. “We have other matters to attend to, but first this.”
He stroked the tip over her lips, teasing her.
She moaned, desperate for his taste, for the feel of him against her tongue.
“Don’t worry, it’s here for you,” he said, raking his free hand through her hair and bunching it at her crown. “Now keep still.”
She had no choice. His hold on her was tight as it always was. McTavish liked to have full control when he took her mouth.
Staring up at him, she held her breath as he slid in. His flesh was hot and hard, silk on steel, and he tasted of soap and man. She adored this moment, the first thrust in because he always released a low, throaty moan that made her pussy clench.
“God above, I’ve been dreaming of this,” he said, withdrawing.