He clenched his jaw and a tendon flexed in his cheek.

She swallowed a gulp of apprehension. A memory of his palm delivering a firm spanking to her ass blustered through her memory.

“Aye,” he said quietly. “We need to talk about how it will be between us.”

“I have some idea, but haps you should explain further.”

He nodded and placed his hands on her shoulders. “As your husband I insist upon your obedience. It’s the way of Highlanders as I’m sure you ken.”

She bobbed her head, once.

“And in return for your obedience I promise to protect you and care for you for always.”

“I understand.”

“And you must be prepared to go over my knee if you disobey, or a table, or if we are outside, a rock.” He gestured to a boulder on his right. “And you will feel my hand on your ass until I believe you have learned your lesson.”

“As is the way of Highland marriages.”

“I’m gladdened you see it that way, even after yesterday’s chastisement.”

She touched his cheek. “I hated that I’d disappointed you. I only want to please you, sir, make you happy.”

“I ken that you will.” He pulled in a breath. “And I will make you happy, please you, pleasure you more than you can ever imagine. I might be a big Scotsman, rough around the edges, but I will only ever handle you with care, never more than you can take from me.”

“I believe you.” She thought of Rabbie and what a terrible husband he was. McTavish was the opposite end of the scale to him. She believed McTavish when he said he’d always handle her with care even if the need arose for her to be punished. Which she hoped it wouldn’t.

“Now,” he said, applying pressure to her shoulders. “You have a lesson to learn.”

She stared into his eyes. The reflection of the water was catching each iris differently—the green one looking like the darkest moss and the blue like the midsummer sky.

“On your knees,” he said. “And clasp your hands behind your back.”

Chapter Ten

McTavish’s heart thudded and his cock throbbed as Isla, his beautiful soon-to-be wife, folded to her knees on the grass in front of him.

When he saw her face only inches from his cock, his balls tightened and his breaths quickened. This was a moment he’d been dreaming of. He was twisted up inside with need for this lass and now that she’d agreed to be his he felt as though heaven had come early.

She stared up at his face. Her damp black hair was framed by the lush green behind her and her dark eyes flashed up at him—slightly narrowed because of the sun. Her breasts jutted forward, her dark nipples taut and her skin pale.

He took his shaft in his hand. “Open your mouth.”

She did as he’d commanded.

“I gave you pleasure last night with my tongue, did I not?”

She nodded.

He cupped her chin. “Now it’s time for you to learn how to do the same for me.”

She didn’t reply but he sensed her agreement. This would be so much better than simple releasing onto her tongue, her face. Then she’d had her eyes closed, she’d been unable to witness his seed spilling. Which is what he’d wanted after spanking her sweet butt, a climax. Now he wanted more… no, make that heneededmore.

“No teeth,” he said, canting his hips forward and curling his toes into the ground. “Just a gentle glide over your tongue.”

Once again his cock looked huge against her small mouth.

Slowly she took the tip between her rosy red lips.