“Did I touch you how you needed to be touched?” He moved his fingers, which were still lodged inside her.
“Aye… aye… you did.” She rested her head back and didn’t bother to contain a groan.
“That is a sound straight from heaven.” He stood, slipping from her and cupping her face in his palms.
The scent of her arousal filled the air, and his damp fingertips pressed on her cheeks. When he kissed her she tasted herself.
“I didn’t ken that was something men did to women.”
He smiled. “There’s lots I could teach you.”
“I want you to.”
“And I desire that too, but we must wait, lass. It’s the right thing to do.”
“Wait for what?”
“Until the right time.”
He stepped away and turned his back. Placing his hands on his hips, he bowed his head and blew out a breath.
“What do you mean?” she asked, staring at his tall, broad figure. “Isn’t this the right time?”
“Nay, lass.” He shook his head.
“So when will be?”
“Soon.” He stepped stiffly toward the bed. “And you should leave now.”
“Because I’m a mere mortal and you are a beautiful woman I’m trying hard to resist.”
She wanted to tell him not to resist her. To take her how he wanted to. She’d get down on her knees for him again, open her mouth, suck his cock onto her tongue if that would please him. But something in his tone stopped her. McTavish wanted her, she had no doubt about that, but because of her admission to being a virgin he was now battling with himself.
“Please, go,” he said firmly. “I wish to hold my head up in the eyes of the Lord.” He lowered his voice. “And I can only just do that after what I’ve already done.”
She straightened out her skirts. “Be sure to put the poultice on your shoulder. It will help. Shall I do it for you?”
“Please. Leave.” He gripped the bottom post of the four-poster bed. “For the love of God, go.”
Isla slipped from the room and shut the door with her pussy swollen and wet. She’d cast a love spell on McTavish and it had worked, she was sure of that. Though what she hadn’t counted on was his reaction to her being a virgin. It was clearly a big deal to him. And what did he mean there was lots he could teach her and it would be soon?
There was only one thing for it, and that was to wait and see what fate held for them.
Deciding it was late and she wouldn’t be missed from the kitchen, Isla took to her bed. Her body was tingling all over as she changed into her nightgown. It was as if McTavish’s touch, his scent, his flavour was still lingering on her. She wiped herself down below, surprised at the wetness there and how her pussy lips had puffed up softly. There was a spot of blood on the cloth and she quickly rinsed it out in a basin of cold water.
She hadn’t expected to bleed and hoped that wouldn’t happen when she joined properly with her lover.
* * *
McTavish blew out a long breath as the door closed with a quiet click. His cock was so hard it hurt. It had taken every ounce of his self-control not to plunge deep into the sweet lass who’d stolen his heart and bring them both so much pleasure they were mindless.
But he had.
He’d had no choice. Not if he wanted to be able to live with himself.
Isla deserved more than a lust-crazed Highlander for her first time. She’d saved herself and that had to be respected. She was entitled to a gentle copulation with tenderness and love. There would be time enough in their future for wild passion and free abandon.