Again her body was buzzing for his. Between her legs heat was building and her breasts ached.

He tilted his head, deepening the kiss.

She moaned and pressed against him. She felt so small and safe as if the rest of the world couldn’t hurt her when she was with him.

“You’re filling my heart,” he said, sliding his hands down her body to embrace her fully. “You’re filling my soul.”

“It’s what I want,” she said, against his lips. “For us to be as one.”

“I can arrange that.” He glanced to his left. “This way.”

She found herself being steered toward his room. She had to trot to keep up with his long paces.

Once there he tugged her inside and slammed the door. “We will not be disturbed this time.”

Chapter Seven

McTavish was kissing her again with so much passion Isla quickly became dizzy. There was something different now, as though he couldn’t be stopped, as if his usual tight self-control was slipping.

Isla clung to his wide shoulders as she was backed against the wall. Was this desperation how it was supposed to feel? Or was it unique to them?

Just us. We’re on fire together. Mother Nature has ensured that. She stoked the flames herself.

“I need to sink inside you,” he said, dragging up her skirt.

His words floated around her brain.

“I need to get my cock in your cunny. I’m going to make it so good for you.”

“McTavish,” she gasped against his lips.

“I’m not like other men you’ve been with,” he said. “I won’t find pleasure until you do. I want to make you feel so good, my love.”

His sporran landed on the floor with a thud and his hard cock, through the material of his kilt, jutted against her.

“But McTavish… I haven’t… there haven’t been any…”

“What?” He flicked his kilt aside, releasing his erection. “There haven’t been any what?”

“I haven’t… you would be my first.” She reached for his cheek and ensured he was looking at her as she spoke. “I’m a virgin.”

“A virgin.” His mouth dropped open and he stilled. “Untouched?”

“Aye, that’s what virgin means.” She smiled at his surprised expression. “Unless you count you touching me earlier. You’re the only man to have touched me there.”

“God’s bones, if I’d ken that.” He flicked his kilt back into place covering his cock. Though he kept her dress hoisted high and her pussy exposed.

“If you’d ken what?”

“I wouldn’t have…” He clicked his tongue on the roof of his mouth and shook his head.

“But I wanted you to.” She went onto her toes and kissed him again. “I like you touching me.” She swallowed. “And I deserved the spanking.” She glanced away.

He caught her chin and forced her to look up at him again. “But you’ve saved yourself, all this time. For a husband.”

“Aye.” She tipped her head. “For a husband.”

She could almost see the cogs of his mind working. His lips pressed together and he studied her face as if seeing her anew.