Isla crept up the stairs and into McTavish’s room and set the sage poultice on his bed. He’d find it when he retired and hopefully ken it was for his wound. He’d also ken it was from her, and it was proof that she cared.

I more than care. I love him.

As she walked past the suite the newlyweds were staying in, a strange noise caught her attention.

She paused at the door.

It was a swishing sound, then a slap, as if something was hitting flesh. It was repeated, over and over. Each slap was accompanied by a soft female moan.

A twist of excitement caught in Isla’s belly. Whatever was going on was fascinating. She glanced about. There was no one nearby. The stragglers were in the banqueting room and the other staff in the kitchen.

She leaned closer to the door, almost pressing her ear to it.

“So pretty.” Kendal’s voice as the slapping sound continued.

More tight, female gasps.

“You’re doing so well,” Reid said.

Reid is in there? In the marital bedroom? On this, their wedding night?

Isla’s cheeks flushed and a sense of accomplishment that she’d been right in her assumption that there was something between the bride and the groom’s friend. It was also clear the groom knew about it if he was in the same room.

“I… it’s so much,” Lady Moira said.

What is too much?

It was all Isla could do not to crack open the door and peer in.

“It’s what you need,” Kendal said.

The whooshing slaps increased in pitch as though whatever he was slapping was hitting harder.

“Oh… oh…”

The sound of Lady Moira’s desperation told Isla it was the bride’s body on the receiving end of the strikes.

She’s being disciplined. The way I was earlier.

“Stay still,” Reid said. “This is nearly over.”

“Now, I need it over now.”

“You won’t stray again?” Kendal asked.

“Nay, never. I promise.”

Isla pressed her fingers to her lips. Kendal had mentioned straying, which must mean that his new wife was being punished for her walk in the woods the day before.

“What are you doing?”

Isla turned.

Before her stood McTavish. Shadows licked over his face and his dark hair hung around his brow and cheeks. He’d found the time to shave quickly before the wedding ceremony but now a deep shadow sat on his jawline.

“I… I…”

“You were being prying, right?”