“Menu,messieurs, madame.” The waiter handed out black leather bound menus. “And this is the wine list.” He passed a long thin menu to Dale.
Dale took it with a nod.
“Shall I bring water for the table?”
“Yes please.” Dale smiled at the waiter, who then retreated.
“This menu is wonderful,” Jenny said, even though she’d only glanced at the starters—a selection of charcuterie, duck confit, cep veloute. “Expensive too.”
“Don’t worry about that,” Jackson said. “It’s our treat.”
“We invited you out,” he said, placing his arm around the back of her chair and leaning in. “So it’s on us. No arguments.”
“Thank you, but…” She kept the menu open and set over her white linen napkin and shiny cutlery.
“But?” Dale said, placing his elbows on the table and tipping forward to study her.
“Yes, but…I mean whydidyou invite me?” Jenny hadn’t had any intention of asking the burning question so soon. It had just popped out of her mouth. Her curiosity had been gnawing at her for so long. She had to know.
“I told you,” Jackson said. “We need to talk about the unusual situation we’ve found ourselves in.”
“I’m going to need that situation spelled out,” Jenny said. “Because it’s clear you two are on the same page but I’m not even sure if I’m reading the same book.”
The two men glanced at each other. Dale nodded, a little.
“The other night,” Jackson said. “When you and Dale…what shall we call it? A kiss? A heated exchange?” He tipped his head. “Do you have a name for it?”
“I guess…as you said…” She looked between them. “I kissed your boyfriend.”
Dale’s lips tightened and he fiddled with the wine menu.
Jackson reached over the table and set his hand on Dale’s. “It’s okay.”
Dale pulled in a deep breath. “Yeah, I know.”
“Dale hasn’t ever told anyone he has a boyfriend before.” Jackson paused. “Have you, Dale?”
There was a pause then, “No, but then again, there’s only ever been you, Jackson, who I’d refer to as a boyfriend.” Dale’s usual air of confidence had slipped.
Jenny got the impression this conversation wasn’t easy for him. Hell, he probably wouldn’t be having it at all if Jackson weren’t steering it, or holding his hand for support. “Does anyone know about you two?” she asked.
“Only one person,” Dale said.His right side was twitching a little, as though beneath the table he was bobbing his knee up and down.
“And that is?” she asked.
“You.” Dale swallowed. “Only you, Jenny.”
“But…” Her head was swimming. “Why me?”
“Because of this unusual situation.” Jackson drew a triangle in the air between them. “That we’ve found ourselves in.”
The waiter appeared with a bottle of sparkling water. He poured three glasses then retrieved his pad. “Are you ready to order?”
“I think we’ll have the chef’s tasting menu,” Jackson said. “For three, but hold any mussels that might be on it.”
“Very good choice.” The waiter nodded.