“There you are.” Billy strode into the room, again making her startle.
“Billy.” She stood, an injection of adrenaline flooding her system. Her knees weakened and her heart rate kicked up a notch. “You made me jump.”
“Don’t know why, it’s my place, isn’t it? Where else am I gonna be?”
“Well yes, but I was concentrating.”
“You confirmed the judges and ref yet, for the fight?”
“Yes, I did that ages ago. I told you. There’s just tickets, health and safety and the bar to organize.”
“Won’t take you long.”
“No, it won’t.” She clasped her fingers together and glanced at the window that faced the gym.
Both Jackson and Dale were resting at the ropes now, their gloved hands dangling over them. Dale was talking to Michael. Jackson was staring straight at her.
We’ve got your back.
Their words returned to her. And this was it. It was now or never. She had to start the conversation that had been on the tip of her tongue all day and percolating in her subconscious for months. There’d never be another chance to do it and have two big, tough, fighters in her corner.
“Billy.” She cleared her throat. “We need to talk.”
“What, now?” He gestured at the ring. “I’m a bit bloody busy in case you hadn’t noticed. Jackson hasn’t got long. Every practice counts.”
“I’m aware of that, but it’s important.” She hesitated. “Veryimportant.”
He frowned and shoved his hands into his faded jeans pockets. “Well in that case you’d better get on with it.” He glanced at the clock, as though making a note of the time and how much of it she would take up.
She pulled in a deep breath. “It’s about us, Billy.”
“What about us?” The way he’d spoken implied he was already bored of the subject matter.
“I know we’ve been together for years, and I like to think we were both there for each other in our times of need.” She paused and glanced out of the window again.
Both Dale and Jackson were looking at her. Jackson’s eyebrows were pulled low. Dale was biting his bottom lip. Neither seemed to be paying any attention to what Michael was saying.
They know what I’m doing. They must do.
Having them there, so close, gave her the courage to say the words. “I don’t want to be in a relationship with you anymore. It’s over between us.”
Billy’s mouth opened.
“If you can even call it a relationship,” she said quickly. “We don’t go on dates, hang out anywhere other than here, and when did we last…?”
“Jenny.” He frowned and held out his hands. “Where the fuck has this come from? It’s always been us. I told you, I’ll buy us a place in Spain, soon.”
“No.” She shook her head. “No, you won’t.”
“I will. I said it, didn’t I?” His eyes narrowed. “Just let me save up a bit more cash.”
“But it’s not what I want, the house in Spain or you…I mean or us, to be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore. It’s not what I want.”
“Why the fuck not?” Disbelief shot over his eyes. “What have I done?”
She couldn’t answer that. The list was so long. But top of it was being an asshole, taking her for granted and thinking he could pull her around. But she kept that to herself. What was the point of stoking his temper any more than necessary?
Again she glanced out of the window at Dale and Jackson.