Page 9 of A Fighter’s Love

“This is between me and her.”

Jackson tightened his hand around Billy’s neck.

Billy grunted and went up onto his toes.

“Jackson, please. Leave him. It’s okay.” Jenny rushed up to the two men.

What the hell is going on?

Jackson turned to her. A deep frown line ran over his brow and there was a slight swelling on his right cheekbone, likely from where he’d been training. “When is it ever okay to speak to a woman that way?” He shook his head. “Or, while we’re on the damn subject, treat a woman the way he treats you?”

“Don’t hurt him.” Jenny tugged Jackson’s arm. His flesh was hot on her palm, his solid muscles and tendons unrelenting.

“Yeah, get off. This is between me and my woman,” Billy said in a gasping voice as he shoved at Jackson.

“What’s going on?” Dale marched into the room, walked up to Jackson and put his hand on the opposite arm to the one Jenny was gripping. He stared at Jackson’s face. “Leave it. Forhersake, leave it.”

Jackson twitched his nose, then as suddenly as he’d pinned Billy to the wall, he released him and stepped backward.

Billy huffed and puffed and rubbed his neck. He shot a look of fury at Jackson, then at Jenny.

Her blood ran cold. He was really mad now. Beyond mad, goodness only knew what he’d say…what he’d do.

“Are you okay, Jenny?” Dale asked.

She nodded and swallowed.

“You ever fucking dare touch me again…” Billy wagged his finger at Jackson. “I’ll…”

“Yeah, you’ll what? Chuck me out of the club. I don’t think so.” Jackson gestured to the safe on the floor. “I put too much dough in that for you.”

Billy grimaced and his eyes narrowed. It was clear he knew that was the truth.

“But if I don’t see a bit more damn respect for Jenny around here, from you, then as soon as this Grinder fight’s done, I’ll be gone.” Jackson tilted his chin

“This is the best club around here. We can do the big matches. We’re the only one with the capacity.” Billy huffed.

“No, Jenny can do them, not you, her—she organizes it all. So start showing some appreciation because the lack of it is making me sick.” He set his attention on Jenny, just for a second, then turned and walked from the room. His footsteps were silent in his soft boxing shoes and his shoulders swung stiffly, without their usual relaxed grace.

Billy pushed past Dale to the desk, and grabbed the wrongly sized posters.

Michael appeared in the doorway. He looked at all three of them, then stepped aside as Billy stomped past him with the posters under his arm.

When Billy had gone, Michael shrugged. “Was always gonna happen, Jenny. Real men can’t stand aside and do nothing when a bloke treats his girl like Billy does.”

His girl.

Yes, that’s what she was. But she didn’t want to be, not anymore.

Michael turned and left her alone with Dale.

Jenny was aware of a quiver in her belly. It started small, like a tremor, but soon grew into a full-scale earthquake. Her mind was a jostle of thoughts. Jackson coming to her rescue. Dale calming the situation. Billy’s temper. Michael’s words…had they all discussed her and Billy?

Of course they had.

It was the only explanation.

And they all thought she was weak, stupid, crazy for putting up with it. Her eyes moistened then prickled. She was pathetic in their opinion. Her chest went tight and her breaths became shallow. She buried her face in her hands and tried to hold in a sob. But it was no good and a gurgling gasp broke free.