He grinned and poured a glass of red wine. “If you want help let me know. I’m not much of a chef but I can chop.” He handed her the drink.
“Thanks. I might take you up on that.”
“You look nice,” he said, scooping up an open beer and taking a gulp.
“Thank you.”
“Black silk suits you.” He tipped his head, still studying her.
Jenny was aware of heat flooding her cheeks as she took a sip of her drink. She wasn’t used to compliments.
He must have noticed because he set down his beer and came to stand next to her, his arm brushing her shoulder. “Get used to it,” he whispered against her ear.
“Get used to what?” she asked, setting aside her wine and plucking the mushrooms from the bag.
“Being told you’re gorgeous and I want you.”
The heat spread to her chest, and down between her legs. She looked up at him. “It might take a while. When you’re told you’re worthless and ugly enough times you start to believe it.”
“Babe.” He took the mushrooms from her and turned her face to his.
He was scowling, his eyes narrow and his brow creased.
“And it wasn’t just Billy,” she said then pulled in a deep breath. “After Mum died, I was never much use to my father.”
“Much use?” His frown deepened.
She shrugged and tried to turn away, but he kept her facing him.
“What do you mean never much use?”
“I tried to help him, look after him. But he coped with his grief by hitting the bottle. He wasn’t a happy drunk, he just got mean.” She paused. “Eventually his liver gave up.”
“I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be, it wasn’t your fault.”
“No, but that’s a shitty thing to go through.” He ran his hand down her neck and squeezed her shoulder.
“It’s history now, but Billy was there for me…so you see why it’s been hard finishing it with him. We go way back.”
“I can’t imagine him being there for anyone. He’s a selfish, money grabbing bastard.”
She huffed. “Yeah, a career changing injury can do that to a guy.”
“Not a man with decent morals to start with. I’m glad he was there for you when you needed him, but you don’t anymore.”
“No, I don’t. I’m embracing standing on my own two feet.” She smiled.
His mouth stretched into a matching grin and his stern expression melted away. “And you’re doing brilliantly, but if you need someone to lean on, you know where we are.”
“Thank you.” She reached up and pressed her lips to his.
“Mmm, you’re fruity, you taste of summer,” he said, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close.
“Hey you two.”
Jenny turned at the sound of Dale’s voice.