Page 45 of A Fighter’s Love

Jackson’s words came back to her as she made another cup of tea. This time last week she couldn’t have imagined being so happy. After having admired the gym’s hunkiest two fighters for years, she was now all set to repeatedly fall into bed with them both.

Her cheeks ached a little and she realized it was because she had a goofy smile on her face as she spread butter on her toast. But that was okay. She was happy. For the first time she could remember she had no Billy ball and chain dragging her mood down. Nothing to worry about. No responsibility except to herself and so much to look forward to.

She ate her toast, then brushed the crumbs from her robe and tightened the belt.

As she rinsed her plate the doorbell rang.

She frowned, wondering who it could be. Neither Dale or Jackson knew the code to get through the front door of the building.

Tucking her hair behind her ears, she walked into the hallway. The bell rang again, sending a sharp, insistent noise around the apartment.

“Hang on,” she called. She peered through the spyhole, but before she even focused her heart sank. There was only one person who knew the code and would come up to the front door without announcing himself.


Sure enough he stood there in jeans and a leather jacket. His hair was long and messy, it needed a wash, and he wore a stern expression.

“Jenny, let me in,” he said, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I know you’re there.”

She sighed, unlocked the door, and pulled it open. “What do you want, Billy?”

His attention dropped down her body. “My stuff.”

“What stuff?”

“I left a bunch of CD’s here, ages ago.”

“Yes, thatwasages ago.” She wasn’t even sure where they were.

“And a sweater and bottle of aftershave.”

“The aftershave was empty.” She pulled the door wide. “Come in, I think I know where the sweater is. The CD’s might take a bit more finding.”

Her good mood had evaporated, and in its place was irritation. She’d have to hurry up and find his things so he’d leave. She had no intention of spending any longer than necessary in Billy’s company. It was a surefire way to ruin her Sunday morning.

She was aware of him stepping into the apartment and the door clicking shut. For a moment a whisper of fear made the hairs on the back of her neck tingle, but she beat it down. She’d been alone with Billy a million times. Okay he could be volatile, his temper quick, but he’d never actually hurt her any more than a tug of her arm.

But still…she’d ended it now and he wasn’t happy about it.

“So who is the new man, Jenny?” Billy said, his voice low and dark.

The fear returned and her belly tightened. “What?” she asked turning.

Billy stood, feet apart, staring at Dale’s jacket. “The new man, who is he?”

“That’s a friend’s.”

“Yeah right.”

“Yes, Billy, that is right and besides it has nothing to do with you.”

“Of course it has, you were my girl for as long as I can remember. I can’t let you just go off with anyone.”

“That’s exactly it, Iwasyour girl.” He was really irritating her now. “Past tense.”

“He might be a mass murderer.”

She didn’t reply