Page 36 of A Fighter’s Love

Dale reached for the wine list. “We need a damn drink.”

The waiter must have seen Dale grab the list because he glided up to the table. “What can I get you, sir?”

“We’ll have a bottle of the French chenin blanc, please,” Dale said. “Is that okay with you, Jenny?”


“Listen,” Jackson said when the waiter had gone from earshot. “There’s no pressure. Whatever you want is cool with us. We want a relationship with you, not just a romp. We want the three of us, together in a heart-stoppingly romantic way as you just put it.”

“Yeah, ’cause after the other night,” Dale said, “when I felt the electricity between us, when I got a taste of how good we’d be together, I knew we had to explore this. I wasn’t sure at first. Admitting to you about my relationship with Jackson is a big deal—”

“And I won’t tell a soul, I promise.”

“We know that.” Dale smiled. “We trust you. But when Jackson said he felt the same, there was nothing else to do other than bring you here tonight and all speak the truth.”

Jenny nodded and popped another piece of scallop into her mouth. Of course she was glad the men had taken control of the situation. Much as she was all for grabbing hold of the reins in her life again, her suggesting sex with these two men was running before she could walk.

“So we’ll take it slow,” Jackson said. “See where it goes, agreed?”

“Agreed.” Dale swiped his tongue over his bottom lip and looked between Jackson and Jenny.

“I guess.” Jenny nodded. “That’s the best thing to do.”

Chapter Ten

“Do you want to come in for coffee?” Jenny asked as Jackson rolled his Mercedes to a halt outside her apartment block.

For the last half of the meal, and the entire way home, the offer of ‘coming in for coffee’ had been rolling around on her tongue. She knew Jackson had said they’d take it slow. But right now, after a few glasses of wine and a nice dinner, she was sick of slow and fed up of waiting and really hacked off with not getting any sex.

Jackson glanced at her then over his shoulder at Dale. His eyes flashed in the dark car.

“Are you sure, Jenny?” Dale asked, leaning forward and curling his hand over the passenger seat.

“It’s just coffee,” she said with a nervous giggle. “Or tea if you’d prefer.”

“Coffee is good,” Jackson said. “Where can I park?”

“Over there in the designated spaces.”

He didn’t speak, just drove forward, drew the car to a halt and killed the engine.

For a moment they were all quiet. Jenny was hyperaware of her breathing, of the scent of the men in the car with her—spiced aftershave, wine and something she couldn’t name. Was it desire, lust, passion? She wasn’t sure.

Dale opened his door and stepped out. Once again he held out his hand and tugged Jenny to standing.

His warm skin radiated onto hers and his jacket brushed her arm. He smiled and kept hold of her hand.

Jackson came up behind her and they walked to the entrance of her building. Even though it was dark and late she wondered what any of her neighbors, who might be watching, would think of her bringing not one but two men back to her home.

For so long she’d been alone. Billy had rarely been to her place and certainly not in the last six months, yet here she was with a couple of muscly hunks who seemed to flank her as if protecting her from the world.

She keyed in the code to open the door, then led the men to the elevator.

“That was a great meal,” Dale said as they rode upward.

“Yeah, but the company was better.” Jackson winked at Jenny.

“I can’t remember when I last had an evening meal out,” Jenny said, enjoying the way Dale’s thumb was gently stroking the back of her hand. “So thank you both. I feel thoroughly spoiled.”