“I’m not sure.”
“Yes.” Jackson said. “Tomorrow is perfect. At the gym. We’ll be there if you need us.”
She swallowed. A lump had formed in her throat. “Tomorrow?”
“No time like the present.” Dale touched her hand again, encasing it the same way he had earlier. He stroked his thumb over her knuckles.
A tingling sensation spread on her skin then fluttered up her arm and set nerves tingling in her nape and over her scalp. His touch was delicate. For a big guy he was so gentle.
She remembered being pressed against him earlier, when she’d been upset—his scent, his strength, his soothing voice.
Jesus, he’s sexy.
She pressed her fingers over her lips, barely trusting herself not to blurt out her thoughts. She fancied Dale as much as Jackson. These two hot guys had awakened something in her that had been dead until she’d decided to regain control of her life.
Trouble was, she didn’t stand a chance in hell. They were into each other. It didn’t take a genius to work that out.
What the heck was she going to do?
Chapter Four
Jenny struggled to get out of bed the next morning. Jackson had persuaded her to have another glass of wine when he’d gone to the bar to replenish his and Dale’s drinks. It had been a long time since she’d had two large reds,orso much fun.
It seemed once the decision for her to dump Billy had been made, the two men relaxed. Banter was easy and swift. Jackson had a sharp wit, Dale a playful sense of humor. She’d laughed, cracked her own jokes, forgot about all the stress in her life for a blissful hour.
But now, as she pulled on her work trousers and blouse, she was regretting staying up so late. The day would be long, topped with her promise to her ‘we’ve got your back’ men, to delete Billy’s boyfriend status, and it might even go on forever.
“Hey, Jenny,” Stella said as she poured coffee in the small kitchen at the office. “You okay?” She frowned. “You look beat.”
“Yeah, late night.”
“At the club?”
“No, not really.” She paused. “I went for a drink.”
Stella raised her eyebrows. “You did? With Billy?”
“No.” She’d said it quickly, and sharp enough to raise Stella’s eyebrows farther. “Definitely not Billy.”
“But a man?” Stella smiled.
“Er yes…two actually.” She poured coffee.
“Oh, very nice.” Stella’s smile grew, it became a grin, and her eyes sparkled. “And what are their names, you lucky girl?”
“Oh, it’s not like that.” Jenny shook her head.
“It isn’t?” Stella peered at Jenny. “That flush on your cheeks tells me it’sexactlylike that.”
Jenny reached for the coffee pot and poured herself a mug. “It’s complicated.”
“All the best relationships are.”
“You sound like you’re talking from experience.”
Stella pressed her lips together and inclined her head.