Idanced in the basement of the gritty club on the wrong side of town. The strobe lights bathed me in an ethereal glow as I moved back and forth, lost to the music as I blocked out everything around me.

Like a fire, I felt it inside of me as it spread throughout my core and settled in my bones.

I became something else…

Somebodyelse, under the intensity of the sweat that glistened along my flesh and the music that I felt deep into my soul.

I was a monster tonight.

A sensual beast who could use her allure to feel like something desired instead of someone feared. Because I was a monster. A woman that scorched. I pulled the joint to my lips and inhaled deeply. As I held the smoke in my lungs until mychest went so cold it burned, then I blew it out in small rings that worked my jaw.

I was a woman that lingered within the shadows as everyone moved around me like I was something so easily overlooked and not the woman that would see this town fall and those corrupted bastards that run it, right alongside it.

But I shouldn’t be thinking about business right now.

Right now… I was here to have fun.

I was here to let loose and be free, if only for one night.

I could let the monster out.

I wound my hips as I dropped low to the ground and spiraled my way back up. As I stuck out my ass, I twirled in the heat of the dance floor. I moved like a queen held hostage by the music, the lyrics being my shackles.

“What’s a pretty thing like you doing on the wrong side of town, sweetness?” a sick and skin-crawling voice whispered in my ear as a flat chest pressed against my back.

I stopped dancing as I peered over my shoulder at him, eyes narrowed before a flirtatious smile spread across my thick, rosy lips.

“How do you know I don’t belong here?” I asked sweetly, turning into his hold as I threw my arms around his neck and allowed him to pull me into him. I batted my heavily make-up-covered eyes at him and he smirked devilishly.

“It’s the hair, babes. Much too clean from a chick up my way.” He leered, a scum-filled gleam in his depraved shit-brown eyes.

“Is that so? I guess I should remember that next time. What a shame it would be if someone from the hood mistakenly ransomed my ass to the wrong people all because I stole a bottle of shampoo. Crazy shit like that happens all the time, doesn’t it?” I teased. As I pushed myself further into him, his hand snaked around my nape and tangled within my golden strands while the other fell to my ass, and squeezed tightly. “After all, I’m just anobody trying to have a good time without any drama, y’know? Can you do it? Show me a good time?”

His look turned vicious as he stepped forward, it forced me back and the hold in my hair tightened to the point of pain. I gasped before I hissed at the sudden change.

I stared back at him in shock, horror filled my wide eyes, as my breathing slowed right down. I appeared apprehensive as the world around me started spinning.



Under his brutal hold, I refused to blink. To close my eyes under the attack, I knew I would come. I refused to close my eyes even when the memory of my past overcame me.

“There it is, again. That damn look. How are you to fool your enemies if you never look afraid, my daughter?” My father’s voice drifted to me from the depths of the darkness. I hung there, arms bound as my toes swayed back and forth along the ground. The chains muted as I made no move to fight, no move to set myself free from the torture. From the pain.

I’d need it later.

“The greatest tool you have, Lara, is the darkness. I know how you think, and how you have the ability to shut it all down. To feel nothing, but the thing you need to learn most though, is how to feel,everything. Fake it. Convince the world that you hurt. Show them your tears. How else are you to convince your enemy who wishes to do you harm, how compliant you are? How afraid you are. That is what you want… them to think they have you right where they want you. Right up to the very second you slit their throat and the bastards will never even see it coming. Being a psychopath won’t save you, Daughter. Playing the victim will.” He steps into the dim light, the yellow tinge adding a slight glow to his ominous and shadowed face.“Do you taste that, my wicked daughter? The sweetness of winning?”

“Enough games, bitch. I know exactly who you are and boy am I grateful to get to gut the Wyelli whore. Tell me,” he sneered as he brought his face right up close to mine. He gripped my jaw, turning my head until I was forced to look up into the burning strobes that flashed bright around us. Moisture burned in my emerald gaze. “Will your daddy cry for you when he receives his princess back in pieces?... The way he cried for your mother?”

“W-what are you talking about? I don’t know what you’re talking about! Let me go, you’re hurting me!” I struggled in his hold, trying to yank my arm from his brutal clasp but he only dug his nails deeper into my flesh as he drew blood. The cherry essence pooled around his digits, as it branded me with his fingerprints. I sneered silently as I turned up my nose at the thought of having him on me for longer than necessary. The first tears fell as I cowered. A plea for my life fell from my lips.

“Luca is going to be pleased we lucked out and your stupid ass walked right into his bar. How could you seriously not think we would know who you are? Who you belong to?” He licked his lips, as he leaned forward and trailed that fat tongue along the curve of my jaw which made me gag.

“Please! Please, let me go, I didn’t do anything to you!” I almost sobbed, I almost broke down, and I almost came undone in his arms.
