But he never liked to step out of the lines, to ruffle a few feathers and try something out of his comfort zone. Lucky for him, I never gave him a choice in the matter.
I ran my hands through my hair and pulled at the strands before I traced them along the length of my body, right down to the waistline of my panties.
“Stop!” Reggie growled, hard and fast as that strain grew more prominent. His feet were fused to the spot he stood.
Hands back on the pole, I made a show of transitioning into an Iron X move before I swung myself into a Jade, which is basically an upside down split on the pole. I held the shape as I allowed him to get a good view of my covered apex. Right before he went to lick his lips, I swung back down to the floor. I had never seen him so close to the edge, his pants tented with his arousal. For four years, he had always remained calm and collected. Right now, he looked crazed, vicious, and like he’s about to rip my throat out while he fucks me into a state I would never recover from.
“Why? You intruded into my space,Bones. You’re free to leave if you can’t stand the heat. After all, whatever would people think if they saw you leaving here?”
“I came to see if you were okay, you’re bleeding all over the damn pole, Lara.” I could see him as he gritted his teeth, and traced the tick in his jaw with my greedy eyes as I smiled sexily back at him. After an intense moment of will, I looked back at the pole and realized that it was in fact, covered in blood. That just made me smile like a shark as I ran my hands through the silken crimson before I rubbed it into my chest, coating my body in my very own essence.
“What the fuck are you doing?” he snapped, as he took a step closer to me.
I smirked, eyebrow raised as I sucked my fingers clean. The sweet, metallic taste burst to life on the tip of my tongue and I groaned, eyes rolled as I shivered. One hand fell to my covered pussy as I stroked it over the fabric, hissing at the contact.
“It’s only a little bit of blood, Reggie baby. I know you like it too,” I murmured in a sultry tone as I sauntered over toward the bed. The pain of my injuries were there, hidden behind a veil of protection. I’d feel them later when I was alone in the dead of night. I always did. But when it came todoingsomething,thinkingsomething, I had the chance for my mind to shut it all down. Then, for a short time, I felt absolutely nothing.
I moved to the bed, lying on my back and opened my legs while I trailed my fingers across my wet core. I slipped them under the waistline of my panties and began to tease myself, circling my opening before I went in hard and inserted two fingers. I arched my back, moaning to the sky as I let the feeling overcome me. I lifted my other blood-covered hand in the air, while I watched it, studied it, and allowed the sight of blood to push me toward my precipice.
At this point, I no longer cared whether or not Reggie was still in the room. I needed it, I was high from it and needed to come so badly, my entire body felt like it was on fire.
I could almost smell the faintest hint of gasoline as I felt the desire to send something up in flames. The fire would only add to my arousal, that would send me on a trip that I would carry with me for some time.
My breath was heavy, and my sensual pants that came out were broken and labored as I fought for every bit of air. I mewled and hummed, completely lost to the raging wildfire in my core and the brewed hurricane that was ready to wipe my mind. “Fuck,” I hissed. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Transfixed on the blood, I imagined every slash of the blade and every strike of a fist from my torture.
I closed my eyes, allowing the memories to filter beyond my eyelids as I held the violence close to me like a vibrator to my cunt.
I never lied about being unhinged.
Sometimes, we needed what we needed. So fuck anyone who kink shames. I would make no apologies for who I was.
Just as I came, wild and vibrant colors of death and gore splinted free behind my eyes. Detonated like a bomb of mutilation and it only added to the heat, to the prolonged orgasm that had me convulsing on the bed, spread wide and utterly ungraced.
Right before I opened my eyes, floating down from my high, something brutal grabbed my jaw, and forced my head to the side and my mouth wide open. Burning hot streams of Reggie’s arousal shot down my throat as he came in my mouth. I swallowed thickly, his cum painting my lips white that I’d be sure to lick up as soon as he let me go. There was a taunt in my emerald eyes. I knew from his perspective that they gleamed with something wicked with a taunt of a challenge.
His cock was massive, thick and hung heavy right above my head. His verypiercedcock. I lifted my brows, amused at the glistening steel of his Jacob’s Ladder. Once he had finished, hebent low and brought his face a fraction away from mine. He sounded like he’d run a marathon, then swam across the Atlantic and fuck if I didn’t love that sound.
“I’ll always win, Hellcat. No matter what game you play,” he rasped, voice deep and husked like churning gravel. “But since these games of yours are so persistent, game on, pretty girl.” Then his lips crashed down on mine, branding me in a brutal assault that made my lips swell and my flesh burn. A kiss as commanding as the one we shared all those years ago.
I felt as though I could succumb to the inferno. As it feathered throughout my chest, I was uncertain of how much more I could withstand. He pulled away, leaving me breathless and cold as he took that burning fire with him. He stood above me, a cocky smirk of his own staring me down and I hated that he thought he’d won.
But little did he know this was the game that I played.
“You’ve been marked.”
Chapter Five
Psycho Crazy - Halestorm
Deep in slumber, where the hollow void lies—I was happy there, in the darkness.
All until some asshole who was cruising for a bruising opened my drapes and let the god awful rays of the early morning sun in. Another one with no regard for their life jumped on my bed and rattled my goddamn bones. “Tell dad to prepare the car, we hold a duel funeral tonight!” I shouted from my pit, hidden deep beneath the covers of my satin throw.
“Aw, come on now, Sis. Just following orders.”
“Who ordered your death?” I groaned into the pillow.