Page 3 of Dark Rivals

Kenny gives me a small wink before turning his attention back to my mother. He is a professional, after all. “Good and bad news,” he says. “First off, I’ve checked with all of my connections and there doesn’t seem to be any word on the street about a threat to any other leaders. Good news, because if there was a rebellion going on, there would be talk of taking down the rest of you, but bad news, because that’s all I’m getting. People are staying quiet. They’re afraid. Might be a higher-up at work, someone in the ranks.”

“One of Calvos’ own?” Delilah asks.

Kenny just shrugs. “Not really sure. Matthew probably just fucked with someone he shouldn’t have fucked with, in my opinion.”

Delilah nods, her face going blank with thought for a few long seconds before she says, “Talk to Chris about payment.”

Kenny nods, glancing at me one more time before heading out. Like I said, a freelance criminal. Does shit for everyone, gets paid to do it. One of the last times I saw him I asked if he’d swear into our syndicate, but he told me that loyalty was asking to get him killed. Playing the field was the best way to ensure neither side wanted him dead.

He has a point.

“Even though it’s not our problem,” I say slowly, “we still need to be on alert if it is an outside attempt on assassination. If the killer has used our signature, it’s likely they’ll find an enemy in us as well.”

“We go on as usual,” Delilah says with confidence. “As we always do.”

I agree, and when Delilah opens her paper once more, I know the conversation is over for the night. My mother practices a very rigid work-life balance, and she’s not going to hear anything else about it tonight.

“Good night, mother,” I say, picking up Prince who had once again curled up at Delilah’s feet. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

She doesn’t say anything, so I turn toward my own room to get ready for bed, then think better of it and decide to take Prince out for his usual night time shit. He’s been a little antsy at night, and I’m not losing another minute of sleep over the dog, even though I love him.

I know the second I step outside of the back door it’s too late. I know when I’m being watched without having to see eyes.

And even though I have training to help me protect myself against situations like this, he takes me off guard. The last thing I see before my vision fades to black is a crimson red suit.
