Page 16 of Dark Rivals


I’m not sure when Grey left. One moment he was there, looking like he was going to beat the shit out of the guy who grabbed my waist, my pussy still throbbing from his fuck, the next moment he was disappearing into the crowd.

Around eleven, the party is just getting started, but my interest is absolutely fucking dead. The guy who I danced with seems to think—and fairly so, I was grinding up against him like the biggest slut at the whole party—that I want to go home with him, but the last thing I want right now is another fuck. I want a hot bath and my own bed. Only, I can’t have either of those, because Grey still has me for the next two days at his will.

At his will.

The thought makes me cross my legs a little tighter against the budding ache between my thighs as one of Grey’s drivers speeds down the highway, bringing me back to one of the many Calvos family mansions.

I try not to think about what happened between us in the bathroom, but I can’t not think about it. It’s not like I hadn’t done it before, blowing a random guy in the bathroom, but when Grey pulled me back in, I didn’t expect it to go there.

I didn’t expect to be completely and entirely ruined by his body, his touch, his mouth. Even the damn noises that seemed to be strangled in the back of his throat, as if he was trying to keep control but rapidly losing it…

I’m tempted to let my legs fall open. I’m tempted to go down on that delicious soreness between my thighs, right here, right now, in the back of Grey’s car while his driver is in the front seat, making a smooth turn down the street that I know will lead us to his house.

Fuck. Just don’t think about it, I remind myself.

Pretty soon I’m stepping out of the car and stumbling my way into the underground entrance of Grey’s house, only slightly buzzed from the alcohol. After Grey and I fucked, I knew I could have easily gotten drunk to try to forget about everything, but there was something in me that knew that even drunk I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about him.

His thick cock, dipping in and out between my dripping thighs, feeling every inch of him to my core.

His hands, squeezing my hips so tight I could already see the little bruises forming when he left me.

Fucking my mouth with his tongue, just like he was fucking my pussy with his cock.

Tasting myself on his lips.

Cumming on his cock as every single inch of him pounded me until his hot cum exploded inside of me.

Feeling his weight on me for a few precious seconds as we caught our breath on the bathroom floor, as I wondered what it would feel like to do that skin to skin.

“Never again,”I whisper as I find myself already in my room, slipping out of my dress. It will never happen again.

And yet, as I’m tightening my favorite red silk robe around my waist, I don’t hear a knock on the door but feel him lingering at the threshold with dark eyes full of lust. I don’t know how, but I know he’s there. I stop what I’m doing and begin untying my robe without a thought.

He opens the door. “Stop,” he commands, his voice quiet, like he’s barely able to keep himself contained. His head hangs between his shoulders, his hair limp around his face, and he looks just about as bad as I feel right now. “May I come in?”

I nod slowly, keeping my hands on the tie around my waist, ready to listen to him. Obey him. Drop my robe and crawl on all fours to him, begging—

I clear my throat. Tighten the robe. Cross my arms around my breasts.

“What do you want?” I ask, mentally cringing at the coldness in my tone. I don’t feel like that anymore… the coldness, the hatred.

No. I do. Do I?

I don’t know anymore, it’s all so confusing, and I barely understand the flood of emotions that have come with fucking my enemy. I thought that it would just be a fun, stupid little game to let off some of the tension, some of the ache between my thighs, but no.

It fucking wasn’t that.

It was something more. Something absolutely fucking devastating.

“I’m going to cut right to the chase,” he says, keeping his eyes fixed firmly on my own. “I want you to go home.”

“But we have two more—”

“I know,” he says, silencing me. “I think it would be better this way. You will still come to one of my syndicate meetings tomorrow, I’ll send over my driver with details when I get them.”

When I realize my mouth is hanging open, I snap it shut, frowning. “Fine,” I say at last, pissed off for some reason. Isn’t this what I wanted? “I’ll go now.”