Page 15 of Under the Mistletoe

“It’s a possibility. It’s the goal.” He shrugs. “I’m five years into my ten-year plan. If I keep it up, I won’t have any money problems down the road. It’ll just be a matter of managing myself and watching my spending.”

“Sounds amazing.” I consider what it would be like if I’d had the kind of thinking process he has when I was ten years younger. I could have already achieved everything I’m still shooting for. “But wouldn’t you get bored, not having anything to do the rest of your life?”

“Hell no! I want to travel. I want to see the world. The best thing I can think of is affording myself the freedom to do whatever I want in this life before I’m dead.”

I nod. He’s right. I bet everyone in the world would love to do the same thing Shane is working on now, but it’s not always possible. “I wish I had that kind of drive and determination. I don’t have a mind for business.”

“You don’t have to have a mind for it necessarily. Just the want to do it.” He picks up his bottle again and brings it to his lips, those pretty blue eyes spearing me. “Dreams make the world go round, Elle.”

I ponder his words, spoken so smoothly as to be sensual, as he finishes his drink just in time for Niles and Dean to emerge from the basement. They look tired and somewhat disheveled, as if they’ve both been raking their fingers through their hair in frustration.

“Get everything figured out?” Shane asks as he pitches his empty bottle into the trash can.

Niles sighs, glancing at me on his way to the fridge to extract a bottle of chilled water. “I think it’s shot. We need to call a repair guy.”

Shane curses beneath his breath, and Dean, wearing a look of contrition, comes to sit down beside me. I give him a sympathetic look and, reaching over, he takes my half-empty bottle of water and helps himself to a few deep swigs that nearly polishes it off.

“Hope you don’t mind,” he says as an afterthought.

“Not at all.” It’s not as if I can protest now anyway.

Dean addresses his friends. “I’ll call someone first thing tomorrow morning, but it looks like we’re going to have to pile on the blankets tonight because it’s going to be a cold one.”

“We’re expecting more snow,” Niles commiserates.

I know from looking at the weather report this morning that tonight is expected to be dangerous, with temperatures dropping into the negative digits. I can’t, in good conscience, allow them to freeze to death in their own home.

“My place isn’t big, but you guys are welcome to come stay tonight.” The offer is hesitant but genuine. Normally, it’s not something I would offer people I’d just met, or three men at that, but I’ve spent the evening with them and I don’t feel the least bit uncomfortable anymore, and I think if they were rapists or murders, I would have found out by now. Besides, Niles is a straight shooter and an overall decent guy. I’m comfortable with him…and, if I’m being completely honest, I wouldn’t mind having him in my personal space a bit longer. A sleepover sounds like the perfect opportunity to explore more of that adventurous side of him that he showed me in the storage closet at work.

“That won’t be necessary, but thank you for the offer,” Niles says, shooting me down. I feel a little awkward having offered now, but I don’t regret expressing my care and concern for their well-being, and judging by their expressions, they appreciate it.

“As long as Dean doesn’t sleep with the windows open again tonight, we’ll be okay,” Shane assures me.

“You sleep with the windows open in the dead of winter?” I ask. It’s freezing. I can’t imagine letting that kind of cold into my home.

Dean spreads his hands before him. “It gets hot in my room.”

“And I think we all know what you’re up to in there to make that happen,” Shane comments suggestively, causing everyone to snicker at Dean’s expense. Good thing he takes it on the chin like a champ.

As the easy banter subsides, I check my phone for the time. “It’s getting late. I should head home,” I announce, not feeling much like leaving any more than they look like they want me to, but we all have schedules to keep. “Are you sure you all don’t want to stay at my place? I can make up the couch, and I have an air mattress somewhere I can put out.”

“No, Elle,” Niles says with a sweet smile as he closes the distance between us. “But thank you for the offer. It’s much appreciated.”

“Are you sure you have to leave? The night is still young.” Dean is grinning, and I have no earthly idea why, but I get the sense that he’s not as innocent as his outward appearance would suggest.

“Leave her alone, Dean,” Niles admonishes. He places a firm hand on my lower back. “Here, I’ll walk you out.”

I waggle my fingers at Dean and Shane as I begin walking toward the front of the house. “Your friends are nice,” I tell Niles, who hmms an agreement. “We should do this again sometime.”

The offer is out on the table. I don’t know how wise it is, but I know I can’t leave here tonight without pinning down another gathering. I definitely don’t want to miss a chance at something incredible when it appears to be ripe for the taking.

“We definitely should. Dinner maybe. Your place or ours?”

“Either.” I shrug. “But if you choose mine, fair warning: it’s not nearly as nice…or as big as yours.” I crane my head back to look up at the vaulted ceiling and crystal chandelier that I’m certain none of them picked out. It probably came with the house, because it doesn’t match anything else.

“Doesn’t matter. We’re not picky,” he assures me.

At the door, Niles reaches for my jacket, plucking it off the peg it hangs on, and he holds it out as I turn my back to him and slip my hands inside the sleeves. He snugs it tight around my shoulders and turns me so I’m once again facing him.