He has a point. And the sooner I give him his answer, the sooner he’ll give me what I want. “I was just thinking about how serendipitous all of this was.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You said only one question,” I whine, raking my fingers through his hair and tugging lightly at the soft strands in reprimand.

He huffs a laugh against my throat and then runs his tongue up the center, and I swallow hard, imagining how that tongue would feel on other parts of my body.

“I lied. Now tell me.”

Ohhhh, I like this demanding side of Niles. It’s sexy in a way I didn’t know he had in him. What other layers is he hiding?

“The party. The kiss. If you hadn’t gone, we wouldn’t be here right now.”

He hums under his breath as his hands wander to my ass and squeeze the globes firmly, while his teeth graze across my earlobe. “I almost didn’t go.”

“Not your thing?” I already figured that. Talk surrounding Niles and the little I knew about him at the time suggested that he wasn’t the adventurous, social type. Now, I’m not so sure.

“Not at all. I hate social crap.”

“Then why did you go?”

“My friends made me.” That delicious tongue of his dances across the shell of my ear before he brings his mouth back to center and lightly kisses my lips. “They said I don’t get out enough.”

“Do you?”

“Not much lately.”

“Why?” I shouldn’t be talking so much. The more talking we do, the less kissing I get. But I want to know everything about this man.

“Just haven’t felt the need.”

“So cryptic,” I accuse, although I’ve already let the topic drop in favor of more intimacy. My core is throbbing, aching for him to touch me lower, to kiss me deeply right where I need him.

“All will be revealed in time,” he teases, and I have no doubt he’s telling the truth. At the moment, I intend to stick around for the big reveal. Missing out on more of this isn’t an option.

“When do I get to meet your friends?” I ask. It’s a question that’s been weighing on my mind off and on since we parted ways last night. He said they like to share, that if I’m his, I’m also theirs. Assuming I’m game to play, that is.

I think I am. At least, I’m game to explore the possibilities and see where it leads, what it’s all about, and if any of his world is for me.

I expect not, but there’s no harm in checking it out and seeing for myself. After all, it’s important for a person to be properly informed before making a judgment on another person or situation. From where I’m standing, it seems prudent to launch a private investigation in the interest of personal growth.

“Anytime you want.”

“When is good for you?”

“How about tonight?”

Niles’ suggestion catches me off guard. Of course he would suggest tonight. I don’t know why it sends a kaleidoscope of butterflies into flight in my stomach, but I’m suddenly nervous.

“O-okay,” I stutter, unable to hide my uneasiness.

“Don’t worry.” Niles kisses my lips again, but this time there’s no heat to it. It’s purely to ease my worry. “I haven’t told them anything about you yet. You’ve already got the upper hand.”

My total lack of existence to them is my upper hand? I won’t pretend to understand how that is a benefit, but I’ll roll with it.

“What time?”

“I’ll pick you up at seven. Unless you’d feel more comfortable driving yourself.”