“Done already?” she questioned as she climbed into the driver’s side. “I hope you haven’t been waiting too long.” She handed the bag to her.
“I told you all that it wasn’t no big deal,” Gretta huffed, casting Vivian a pensive look as she opened the bag. “Doc said I’m just fine.” Withdrawing the spoons, she read the engraving and hooted. “These are fantastic! Thank you, dear.”
Vivian nodded as she put the car in reverse and backed out of the spot. “You’re welcome. And I’m glad the appointment went well.” Still, she wondered about the episode she’d had in the kitchen. “Did he run any tests or anything? Adjust your medication?”
“A small adjustment and an order to take it easy for a few days. Just to be sure,” she clarified. Then, with a devious smirk that Vivian didn’t trust, she added, “I guess that means you’ll be in charge of the meals for a time.”
Then she winked.
Yep, Vivian didn’t like the sound of that at all.
“Aw crap,” Dave muttered when he walked into the kitchen the following morning to see Vivian standing at the stove, finishing a pot of grits made just the way Gretta’s handwritten notes ordered.
“Now, now,” Kenny soothed, “there’s no smoke or fire today. Have some faith.”
“I got a cramp last time,” Dave continued complaining until Nash showed up and effectively shut him down.
“Give the woman a break. She’s got big shoes to fill.”
Meaning no one could live up to the greatness of Ms. Gretta’s expertise in the kitchen. He was right, it was a tall order, and Vivian was new to everything, so the whole experience was a crash course in How to Fail Bigly 101.
Turning off the stove, Vivian carried the hot pan over to the table and placed it on a cooling pad beside the stack of pancakes she’d managed not to totally screw up. “I did my best to make everything edible,” she said as she took her place beside Big Steve, who was a veritable giant in overalls and a white T-shirt with dark yellow stains under the arms, “but I can’t promise anything.”
“Are you saying we might die from food poisoning?” Nash asked, feigning seriousness.
“There’s a fifty-fifty chance,” she said, playing along. “May the odds be ever in your favor.”
There was a snorted laugh and a few guffaws, then everyone dug in. Nash watched her for a moment as the plate of pancakes was passed around. When it reached him, he gave it a look, selected a couple, and passed it on.
The meal was eaten without complaint, surprising Vivian and boosting her mood. As she ate, she felt she’d done a decent job of it, but it was nice to see others seemingly enjoying it, too. There was still a bit of everything left over by the time everyone finished, but they’d mostly cleared their plates and appeared satisfied as they rose from the table and thanked her for the meal before heading out to the fields.
Pride filled her as Vivian began gathering the dirty dishes.
“Great job,” Nash said, carrying a few of the glasses over to the sink. “Especially on the grits.”
“Oh, um, thank you.” Vivian felt that touch of heat in her cheeks again and hoped he didn’t notice. “I’m no Gretta though.”
“No,” he agreed, “but you’re improving. Keep it up, and you just might catch up with her. Maybe even beat her.”
“Now ya know the good Lord frowns on lying,” Gretta’s sharp voice spoke out as she entered the kitchen. “Pastor Winslow is going to make you stay late and clean the pews if you don’t watch that tongue.”
“Mornin’, Ms. Gretta,” Nash said with a warm smile. He opened his arms, and she stepped into them for a brief but loving hug. “How are you feelin’ this morning?”
“Well, I’m not twenty anymore, but I can still give those youngins a run for their money,” she claimed.
“Right as rain, sweet pea,” she assured him. “Did you get enough to eat?”
“More than enough. Those lessons are starting to pay off.”
Her eyes narrowed up at him. “So I heard.”
“Don’t worry, Ms. Gretta,” Vivian interjected, “I’ll never be able to fill your shoes.”
“Oh, I ain’t worried about all that. Nobody ever outshines me in the kitchen.” She grinned and winked, and Vivian laughed. The woman was too much sometimes.