Page 1 of Finding Home



Vivian Parish clamped her jaws together at the sound of the robotic voice repeating itself yet again. Normally, she loved Siri to freaking death. The girl had gotten her out of a lot of would-be-sticky situations, but today, she was as useless as a pair of crutches to a three-legged dog.

Getting lost along an endless length of dusty, two-lane highway with zero signs of life was not her idea of a fun time. Had she just gotten on a damn plane she wouldn’t be chasing her tail

Hell if she knew where the hell she was. Not even Siri could figure it out.


Dammit! She just wanted to see the ocean! Frustrated, Vivian tapped her manicured fingernail on the screen in hopes that it would help set the map straight. Instead, it blacked out, dying in the middle of its attempts to get her back on course.

Welp, that settled it. She was going to die here.

Where the hell washereanyway? She’d been driving for days. Aside from a few patches of forest to break up the rolling green hills, the landscape hadn’t changed much. If only the highway hadn’t suddenly veered off to become a scenic, ancient stretch of roadway that didn’t even remotely resemble the six-lane monstrosity teeming with travelers, she wouldn’t be on the verge of a panic attack right now.

Regret set in that she hadn’t paid more attention to her geography teacher when he’d taught her and the rest of her ninth-grade class how to read a map. It’d never made much sense to her, and with today’s technology, she hadn’t seen the point in learning, but now...

The only plan she had to fall back on was to continue driving. Civilization had to sprout up sometime. One look at the needle on the gas gauge and she knew that moment needed to be soon.

“God, please don’t let me get stuck out here and get eaten by buzzards,” Vivian prayed aloud. “Oh, and Amen.” Good Christian training and a grandmother who never missed a nightly prayer despite never attending Sunday Mass taught her that. A prayer couldn’t be heard unless it was ended properly.

The Big Guy must have been listening today because, moments later, Vivian caught sight of something moving in the distance. Her eyes narrowed to slits and she leaned forward, crowding the steering wheel with her body, trying to make out what it was she was seeing.

As the car closed in on the object, she realized it was a man in a cowboy hat riding his horse. As she watched, he pulled the horse to a stop and dismounted with an easy grace that gave her senses a little kick, then approached the stretch of barbed-wire fence dividing the land from the road.

Relief swelled in her chest. The presence of another person meant civilization was within reach. Finally, she wasn’t alone.

At the sound of her approach, the man’s head lifted, and she caught a glimpse of the stranger. Tendrils of dark sweat-soaked hair peeking out from beneath a dirty hat, sun-kissed skin, and a toned, rugged body stuffed into a pair of painted-on jeans. Damn! God must have been having a good day when He made country boys. If this guy looked half as good up close as he did at thirty-five miles an hour, she might pull a Scarlet O’Hara and faint.

The sound of a shotgun blast broke through Vivian’s daydream, and before she could register where it originated, the steering wheel jerked beneath her fingers, sending the car careening toward the ditch.

“Holy...!” Struggling for control, Vivian fought the pull, pumping the brakes and praying for all she was worth. It wasn’t until she’d successfully brought the car to a stop along the side of the road that she took a full breath.

“Oh my God,” she muttered to herself as she rested her forehead against the steering wheel and drew in deep, cleansing breaths. “We almost died, Siri. My whole life just flashed before my eyes.” Worse, the last vision she had was of a pair of Manolo Blahniks she’d had to pass over last week because her newly divorced ex-husband had removed her name from their shared credit card accounts.

Did that make her shallow?

The knock on her window sent her heart racing again, and Vivian shrieked in surprise. The scream died slowly when she looked up to find a concerned cowboy staring back at her.

Oh wow. She’d had the vague impression that he was attractive when she’d passed him by the fence, but up close, he was a total stunner. He had the looks of a tall, dark, and deadly character, but those baby blues, wide clean-shaven jaw, stone-cut features, and the hint of an alluring smile claimed he just might be a touch sweet, too.

“Are you all right, ma’am?”

His voice muffled, Vivian pressed the button on the automatic window. It slid down slowly, giving her time to gather a few words that wouldn’t make her sound like a rambling idiot. Turns out, she needn’t worry about that. The total lack of words coming from her mouth just made herlooklike one.

As the cowboy waited, a warm, friendly smile slid fully into place. Pressing his hand to the roof of the car, he leaned down. “Are you all right?” he asked a little slower and softer this time, reducing his voice to a rumble.

Vivian’s insides melted at the sound of his thick, Southern accent. It rolled over her like...well, silk was too cliché a word for it. Ribbons of melted chocolate? Nonsense. Now her brain was just trying to be poetic. Too many romance novels had finally warped her mind.

“I’m okay,” she finally said.

He stepped back as she popped the door open and attempted to get out. Instead, the car started coasting forward, and Vivian realized with a start that in her moment of near-heart failure, she’d forgotten to put it into park.

With an “eep!” of surprise, she slammed on the brakes, the sudden stop despite the low speed jarring her, she pushed the gear into park and turned off the engine for good measure.

“Oopsie,” she said abashedly when she caught the cowboy’s sexy, amused smile.