Page 5 of Cocky

Rena refused to look at her, which told Angel that she more than knew she was right, but instead of agreeing, she just shrugged. “It’s my life, sis. You do you, and let me do me. Okay?”

They fell into a tense silence after that, neither one knowing quite what to say. The sad fact of the matter was, Angel would never approve of her sister’s antics. But she also would never abandon her.

“So…” Rena said after a while. Hopeful eyes, one that matched her own and the other that matched the father she’d never met, met hers. “Can I stay for a couple weeks?”

She’d already known the question was coming, so Angel was far from shocked and already had an answer prepared. “Of course you can,” she said with a put-upon sigh.

“Yay! Roomies again!” Rena shouted, jumping from her chair and throwing her arms around Angel’s neck to squeeze her tight. “I’ll make up the couch.”

“For you,” Angel said as her sister bounded off.

“Aw, man,” she heard Rena say, making her chuckle.

Some things never changed. Maybe she’d let her sleep a night on the sofa before she offered her the spare bedroom…

While Angel waited for her sister to rejoin her at the table, she thought about her day so far. It wasn’t even afternoon yet, and she was already feeling worn out. Some of it had to do with Rena and the shock of her being there, but a whole lot more of it had to do with the zealous way Kade possessed her body earlier.

That man…he was the hottest thing walking on two legs. She’d gone into this…well, she wasn’t dumb enough to consider it a relationship, but it was something, and she hadn’t intended for it to get so intense.

But that just seemed to be who he was. Everything Kade did was done with acute focus and attention to detail. The way he tooled those bikes was a perfect example of that. His hands on her body were another.

She could still feel their imprint on her skin. Goose bumps pebbled her arms as she thought about what he’d done to her in that garage and the promise he’d made to her just before she left.

Shit! How could she have forgotten?

Rena, that’s how.

Angel got up from her seat and went in search of her sister. If Kade was coming by tonight, she needed the little brat to get the hell out for a couple hours.

She found Rena in her bedroom closet collecting a pile of blankets and a spare pillow from one of the shelves. “Hey,” she said, standing in the doorway, “how would you feel about running some errands for me?”

Looking over her shoulder, Rena stared at her for a moment, brows pinched, then said, “You got a hot date or something?”

“Maybe,” Angel said with a shrug.

Leaving the closet, Rena carried her pile over to the bed and set it down. “No problem. I’m sure this place has plenty of nooks and crannies for me to explore. How long you need me to go for?”

“A couple hours, at least.”

“Consider it done then,” Rena said with a brilliant smile. Gathering the blankets and pillow once again, she headed toward Angel and the door. As she brushed by, she threw over her shoulder, “But you gotta pay me!”

Angel just shook her head. Yeah, she should have seen that one coming.


Patching in members was an event. One Moose enjoyed a little too much. The scent of alcohol clung to his skin as he reclined back on the old sofa propped against the back wall of his garage and watched one of their newest members, Wayne, getting the final details put on his brand new center patch.

He couldn’t help thinking that his nephew, Tanner, should have been occupying that space tonight, but the little bastard who had turned against his family was no more. He’d made sure of that.

Moose kicked back the last of his beer and washed that thought right out of his mind. There was no sense giving that little shit another second of his time. After the way he’d turned on him and his brothers, bringing their worst enemy right to their doorstep and practically handing over the key to the front door, he didn’t deserve the energy expended on him.

Tonight, Cricket was playing ink slinger. And why not. The man loved his ink, was covered in it straight down to his fingertips. He’d been practicing the art in his free-time lately, from his understanding.

It was cool to have that kind of talent in-house. Meant Moose could demand the family discount, he thought with a sly smirk.

“You’re looking a little pale there, bro,” Moose observed, and Wayne glanced from his seat to catch his eye. “You’re not gonna pass out on us, are ya?”

“Man, fuck you,” Wayne said with a laugh.