Page 11 of Cocky

As he fucked her hard and kissed her harder, he snuck a hand between them, latching onto her breast and squeezing. Everything Kade did to her was an act of pleasure and pain. Angel had never had a lover like him before, rough and tumble and at once sweet and caring. He was a dichotomy.

She loved it.

Couldn’t get enough.

“Fuck,” Kade grunted, and Angel noted the way his expression pinched, the way his muscles tensed and flexed and his breathing got all choppy. She’d learned his tells, those little clues that indicated he was on the verge of coming…and she loved watching him.

As he pitched over the edge and released inside her, Angel grabbed hold of the back of his neck and pulled him closer, laying her own molten kiss on him, needing to claim him as much as he claimed her.

He crushed her into the bed with the full weight of his body and, breaking their kiss, laid his forehead against hers. Eyes closed, they breathed as one, catching their breath and allowing their heartbeats to slow.

Angel ran her hands lightly down his back and sides, collecting the sweat that coated him. Because he was fit as a fiddle, sex between them was always wet and messy.

She loved that, too.

To be perfectly honest, there wasn’t a single damn thing Angel could say about Kade Hunter was a bad thing. He was perversely attractive and acutely sexy. She’d never before and had yet to see now, a man who could match his caliber. Kade was, in a word, remarkable.

“I want you to be mine,” Kade told her as he lay perfectly motionless on top of her. “Mouse? I want you to be mine.”

She’d heard him correctly the first time. She was just on the fence about how to answer. Did she take the risk of being his property, for better or worse, or did she stay on the path they were on now?

Nothing risked is nothing gained.

Those words repeated in her mind along with fantasies of what life could be like with a big man like him by her side, caring for her, looking out for her, loving her…until Angel found herself nodding in agreement.

“Okay, baby. I’ll be yours,” she said softly.

As if he had been waiting for that answer, she felt him grow thick inside her again, and Kade fit his mouth over hers, his smile as he pecked her lips with a series of tiny, endearing kisses contagious.

“You’re mine now,” he said fiercely. “Totally and completely mine.”

Worry niggled at Angel, though, something she couldn’t ignore. Before she could stop herself, she grabbed hold of his face with both hands, forcing him to stop and look at her. “A trial basis. If it doesn’t go well, if for some reason we aren’t compatible, I walk away. Same for you,” she added, wanting it to be fair for both of them.

He didn’t look pleased by that statement, but she knew instinctively that he wasn’t going to argue. “Fine, baby, a trial basis it is. But you won’t have any need to be backing out of this. You’ll see.”

Yes. Yes, they would.


Talia McKinnon sat in the metal folding chair listening to the speech taking place at the head of the room with half an ear. The bulk of her attention was fixed on the phone in her hand. More specifically, the text Tucker sent her that morning. It was a simple “hi,” but to her, it screamed pain and misery.

She knew that because she felt it too.

Leaving Tucker had been the single hardest decision she’d ever made, and she’d made some hard ones in her lifetime. Being in a relationship was hard enough without adding outside problems, and the Spartan Riders had a host of them.

The war between the Spartans and the criminal organization run by their former rival’s sister, Luciana Cruiz, had hit its pinnacle, and Tucker had gotten so absorbed in the fight, their personal life ended up paying the price for it.

Talia simply couldn’t live like that any longer.

At least, that’s what she’d told him.

It hadn’t all been a lie though. She was sick and tired of the drama and of being caught in the middle. The war had put a strain on their relationship, and watching the man she loved get sucked farther and farther down into its steel trap shredded her heart…which was why she couldn’t stand idle anymore.

When the new director of the FBI took over the case she’d been working before she left the bureau—the one that’d brought her and Tucker together—he’d viewed her as an asset they couldn’t afford to lose. Getting that phone call had been shocking and totally life changing. They’d wanted her back on the case, not as a lead but a partner, providing valuable insight and detective skills. With just how far south things had gotten with the Spartans and all the blood that had been shed, she’d decided the sacrifice was worth the payoff.

Making the world a better place required a certain amount of selflessness, and that was exactly why Talia had gone into this line of work to begin with. She wanted to make an impact, to change lives. She just hadn’t realized it might mean not having one of her own.

As much as she’d wanted to tell Tucker everything, so he would know not everything was his fault, she couldn’t. Tucker might have been supportive of her and her decisions, but this was one she knew she couldn’t involve him in. Not only because he would have thrown a huge fit, but also because she was told expressly to keep it under wraps.