Page 49 of Cocky

Smart. “But I happen to enjoy Rena’s company. So I’m going to decline your request.”

Her jaw tightened. “I figured you wouldn’t make this easy,” she muttered. Sitting up taller, she seemed to reach a decision. “I’d hoped we could reach an understanding so I wouldn’t have to pull this card, but you should know that I’m friends with the Spartans.” She allowed the admission to hang in the air between them.

As if he gave a damn. “This is supposed to…what, shock me? Scare me?” Her little bubble appearing to have been popped, she visibly deflated before him as he continued. “I am familiar with your friends, Miss Grace, and they’re hardly a fear factor for me. In fact, they have a standing invitation here whenever they decide to use it.”

Now there was a look he was familiar with. Speechless. Most of the people he worked with or who worked for him wore it often, and he always enjoyed seeing it because it meant that, once again, he was the winner here. No one bested Manuel Contreras. It didn’t stop people from trying though.

“Miss Grace, there is no situation in which I have ever or will ever be told how to conduct my relationships, either personal or professional. A man like me doesn’t get this far taking orders from others. I assume your connection to the Spartans has something to do with matters of the heart, which means you know the kind of man I’m talking about, and that means you understand me. A strong personality equals a strong head in all matters.” In short, he wasn’t one to be fucked with.

“Basically, you’re telling me to mind my business,” she said through clenched teeth.

“I’m glad you understand me.” He tilted his head. “Does Rena know you’re here?”

“No, and if she did, she wouldn’t be happy about it.”

He’d figured as much. Rena was a lot like him in that regard, but she was hardly unique. Judging by the woman in front of him, her stubborn streak ran in the family.

Too bad he was a one-woman man, something most didn’t expect from someone like him. But a little-known fact about him: When Manuel decided to be exclusive, that’s exactly what he was. It was just that there had been only one time in his life that he’d chosen exclusivity, and that was so far in the past, most didn’t know about it. He preferred it that way. The less people knew about him, the better.

“So I shouldn’t tell her that you’re sitting in my home trying to run her life while she takes a bath upstairs.”

“Yeah, that would be great.”

“My pleasure,” he said with a friendly smile and tone to match. Standing, Manuel indicated that she do the same. “I’ll walk you to the door.”

“Thanks, but I’m sure I can find it myself.”

“If you insist.” Manuel backed off but trailed behind to make sure she did, in fact, leave. He didn’t want strangers wandering around his home, making a nuisance of themselves.

The guard who’d brought her inside was waiting for her in the entryway and opened the door when she was within reach. They all paused then, their eyes falling on yet another unexpected visitor.

“Are you the boyfriend?” Manuel guessed as he approached.

The tall man in leather stepped into the foyer as if he owned the place, eyes filled with malice. Of course, he was the boyfriend. The ownership in his eyes as he ran them down Rena’s sister was unmistakable.

“You good?” he grunted at her like a caveman.

She nodded mutely as she stepped up to him and was immediately tucked protectively under his sheltering arm.

Of course, Manuel recognized him. He knew every face, especially those who entered his home. “You didn’t bring your friends this time.”

“Didn’t know I needed to.”

“You don’t,” he assured him, answering the unspoken question: Was there a threat? The immediate answer—no. But that could change in a heartbeat, and they both knew it. It all depended on him. “But it seems your girlfriend has a problem that can’t be solved tonight.”

The biker’s eyes flashed with understanding. So he was aware of the situation. Good. That made this easier.

“I’ve already told her that I don’t take orders and that she should let her sister make her own decisions.”

“Actually, he all but told me to keep my nose out of it,” she corrected him.

“You shouldn’t have come here alone,” her boyfriend scolded lightly. No doubt he thought Manuel was lowly enough to hurt an unarmed woman. He was, but again, it all depended on the situation. He didn’t make it a habit to hit women. But he also wouldn’t allow one to raise hands or weapon to him unanswered. His former boss learned that lesson the hard way.

Respect. That’s what he commanded and gave in turn.

“You should listen to your boyfriend,” Manuel inserted. “He speaks from experience.”

The men shared a look that wasn’t altogether friendly, but neither was it malicious. They simply shared history and had an understanding. Neither of which, he suspected, the little woman knew anything about.