Page 45 of Cocky

“So what’s the plan then? For the rest of the night?” she asked, genuinely curious. Would he close himself in his office, casting her aside to find something to entertain herself with? That big house was beautiful and awe-inspiring, but it could also be cold and lonely. She’d rather spend her time there with him than alone.

“First, I’m going to have a drink. Then” –he turned to look at her and squeezed her hand— “I’m going to take you upstairs and fuck you into next week.”

Gulping, Rena stared into his eyes, more turned on than she’d ever been in her life. “Well, that sounds like a plan. Count me in.”

He smirked then, and as small as it was, it somehow changed the entire view, allowing Rena to glimpse that man inside of him she was starting to long for in ways that scared the holy shit out of her as much as it excited her.

And that’s when she knew she was truly, totally, and completely lost for him.


Moose was buried to the hilt inside of his woman, soaking up every little sound she made and memorizing every pleasured expression. It was exactly where he wanted to be…and likely the last time he would be there. Once she found out her sister was screwing the devil himself and he hadn’t done anything to stop it, she was going to chop him out of her life with a machete.

As he pumped into her, staring down into her beautiful face filled with rapture because of what he was doing to her, he couldn’t imagine not being with her like this anymore. Or like anything anymore, because it wasn’t just about the sex. Lord knew when that had happened, but it had. He wanted more than just her pussy on tap and on demand. He enjoyed simply spending time with Angel. She was…well, delightful sounded kinda girly, but she was great. Just…great. He couldn’t even think of the right words to describe how he felt about her, but Angel was definitely the one.

She was all he thought about lately. She consumed him, was a part of his every waking and nocturnal thought. Jesus H. Christ, he could hardly get any work done because he was always getting distracted by thoughts of her. How many times had he fucked up one of the brother’s bikes because he hadn’t been paying attention to what he was doing? Too many times to count. At least they only busted his balls. All that added time fixing their bikes was a pain in the ass for everyone, but they got it. At least, some of them did.

Quick, Repo, Taco, even Country, that mouthy bastard, had his back wholly. A couple of times, they even pulled him aside to offer a quick bit of advice that mainly amounted to “Get your dick out of your ass and do everything she says.” A few weeks ago, he would have told them to suck a dick, but now…he had a feeling they were speaking some gospel of the Pussy-Whipped Man, and he was taking some serious notes.

How the hell had he found himself in this position? He’d always been so damn careful. Now he was in a pickle because he’d finally found the woman of his dreams…and she was probably going to dump his ass.

I could just not tell her. Play dumb if she finds out. But he knew he couldn’t do that. He could never lie to her, no matter how much the truth might hurt.You don’t lie to the ones you love.

Angel let out a loud moan, her eyes screwing closed and her lips parting on a gasp as her entire body seized up. God, he loved watching her come. Feeling her pussy clamp down on his dick and the flood of heat that followed always triggered his own release, whether he was ready or not.

With a grunt and a groan, Moose shot his load deep inside of her, waiting until his dick stopped pulsing before pulling out and dropping down beside her. They were both breathing heavy, their bodies damp with perspiration.

“You drained me dry, Mouse.”

The back of her hand slapped his chest. “Better not have. Ten minutes, and we go again.”

“What?” he almost shouted, his eyes popping open and finding her teasing gaze already on him.

“It’s okay. You’re getting older. I understand if you’re too tired and can’t keep up with me.”

Moose scowled and rolled over, covering her body with his again. “You think I can’t keep up with you, baby?”

“Well,” she said coyly, stroking her fingertips lightly down his sides, “maybe you could…if you really wanted to.”

“Oh, I want to. Never doubt that,” he said, then nipped her bottom lip. “But give this old man an hour for a quick nap, and then I’ll rock your world again.”

She laughed as he rolled off her once more and drew the girly purple paisley sheet over them. Turning onto her side, she curled up against him, resting her head on his chest and hooking his leg with hers. Moose closed his eyes, smiling inside because damn, she felt good all snug up against him. Like she was made to fit exactly there. Just more evidence he needed to make her his before she slipped through his fingers and got away.

He couldn’t have that.

It would…break his heart.

Man, he was in a bad way for this woman. She had him all twisted up inside, and she probably didn’t even know it.

His intention had been to fall asleep and enjoy the quiet with her a little longer, but Moose couldn’t get settled, and as he stared up at the ceiling, he knew he had to bite the bullet. Get this done.


The heavy, slow breathing that had taken over stopped, and Angel forced out a soft “Hmm?”

“There’s no easy way to say this, so I’m just gonna put it out there.” He took a deep breath and blurted, “I saw your sister at the bar.”

There was a pause, and then she said, “That’s not surprising. She’s always liked hanging out at those places.” Then, after another moment in which he could almost hear the wheels in her head turning, she asked, “What did she do?”