Page 24 of Cocky

To Moose, Blake said, “I’m glad you’re okay, but if you plan on having yourself a woman, you need to learn how to take better care of her.”

“Hey,” Moose said, taking offense, “that deer had it out for us. I know I’m a total badass and this incident has damaged your hero worshiping view of me, but even I can’t beat Mother Nature when she decides to strike.”

“Are you sure there’s room for you in this relationship, between him and his ego?” Blake asked Angel.

She laughed and shook her head. “I ask myself that often.”

Moose looked incredulous. “Mouse, seriously? That hurts.”

She shrugged, allwhat? It’s true. And they all knew it wasn’t as much as it was. Moose was one of the best brothers in the clubhouse. He might be overly confident and a bit cocky, but he was one of the most honest and loyal brothers they had. Angel could definitely do worse.

“All right, you two, I’m on my way out.” Blake pointed at Moose. “Keep me updated.”

“Worried I’ll croak on ya?”

“Hell yeah. I’m thinking about buying a new bike, and I need your expert eye to make sure it’s a good choice.”

“No shit?” Moose said, his voice rising with excitement. “Shit, tell me when and where and I’ll be there.”

Blake grinned and nodded, knowing how much the man loved to get his hands on a bike. He was a true grease monkey, which was why he was the club’s mechanic. Most days, whether at the clubhouse or his own home, he could be found in the garage with a tool in his hand. Since he’d met Angel, it was the first time Blake had ever seen the man spend so much time out in the open…and clean. He was very clean.

“Catch you all later,” he said as he headed for the door.

It swung open, letting in the heavy summer air. Catching it before it could smack him in the face, Blake nodded at Sable as she stepped inside, medical bag in hand.

“Hey,” she greeted. “The doctor wasn’t available, so you get me today. Where’s the patient?”

“Long time, no see. You look good, hon,” Blake said, glad to see the woman. She’d never been in tight with the club, choosing to keep her distance from any trouble they might encounter, which was prudent, since she could lose her job just being there. But she’d helped them out of more than one tough spot, and she’d been there to fix up his Gabby a few years back when she’d been caught in the middle of Spartan business.

“Thanks, Blake. I’m glad to see you’re still alive.” Her dark eyes scanned him. And no new scars or anything to note. “Staying out of trouble?”

“Trying to.”

She tipped her head.

Pleasantries aside, he said, “They’re over there,” and pointed to the table where Moose and Angel sat.

Sable nodded grimly and headed their way.


Manuel wasn’t the romantic type, despite the way Americans romanticized his culture and most especially not since his wife passed away. So when Rena Grace snuggled up to him after their furious sexcapade, he gently but forcefully pushed her away.

“Sorry, I guess it’s too soon for cuddling, huh?” Rena commented.

Manuel could tell from her tone that she wasn’t happy about the way he’d rebuffed her advances. Women tended to get emotional when it came to sex, expecting more than a man like him was willing to give. And for a man like him, who appeared to have the world to give, it seemed callous, but not only was it a matter of protecting his wealth, it was also a matter of protecting himself.

And whether she realized it or not, he was, in a way, also protecting her. She would thank him for it later.

“I have work to do.” He made no move to leave the bed, instead remaining on his back and reaching for his phone. As he scrolled through his long list of emails, he could feel her eyes on him. “What?”

“I can’t believe you’re working after all of that.”

“Why?” He glared at the phone, reading the name of a sender he didn’t particularly care for. He’d done business with the man once, helping him out of a tight spot—with interest—and now the guy hounded him day and night. Do one favor, and people acted as if you owed them something. He was going to have to deal with him soon, but for now, he deleted the message and continued scrolling.

“Well, maybe you didn’t enjoy it as much as I did, but I thought it was worth a little relaxation time at least.” He didn’t answer, and she scooted closer, despite the cold shoulder that should have discouraged her. Tracing a finger through his chest hair, she said, “Why do I get the feeling you’re a workaholic?”

“Because I am.” He sliced a look down at her. “I take care of my business, and my business takes care of me.”