Page 8 of Mami

I’m glad he walked away when he did though. Trying to be civil with someone who has so little respect for anyone is tiresome. Good. Riddance. I take a deep breath and realize I’m shaking from the encounter. I’ve never been good with confrontation, but it feels good to finally have gotten something off my chest. I’ve been playing the nice, even-tempered, understanding person for too long.

My phone buzzes with another incoming text, and I pull it up.

A: I can’t wait to come back and see you

Me: Me too Papi. I miss you like crazy already

A: Send me a pic

Me: Ugh, you ask so much of me! You do realize that I have to take a hundred pics, send up prayers, and make a sacrifice to the gods just to get one good one.

A: You’re funny Mami. But you don’t need to do all that. You only need one bc you so beautiful.

I grin, feeling a hundred times better already. Once again, Alejandro knows exactly what to say, and so I give him exactly what he wants.