Page 20 of Mami

Me: You sure do

J: Any news on the baby front

Me: Still waiting?

J: OMG people! I’m about to call them myself

Me: I know. The suspense is killing me

J: What does Alejandro have to say about all of this

Me: He said he’d be happy

J: he better be…pliers

Me: hahahahaha

J: What about Mark? Does he know?

Me: Yeah. He started crying

J: Idiot

Me: Yup

J: Why doesn’t he just admit he wants to come home

Me: Because he’s an idiot ^^

J: Ugh.

I couldn’t have said it better myself. Jean has known Mark as long as I have, and I tell her everything. There isn’t much about my life that she isn’t privy to, so she’s just as invested in the outcome as I am. It’s comforting to have her in my corner.

My phone vibrates and I see Alejandro’s bubble with his handsome face pop up next to Jean’s.

Me: Hey my Latin lover is texting me. I’ll ttyl

J: Ditching me for a man? I see how it is

Me: You know I love you

J: psssh

Chuckling to myself, I send a slew of hearts her way then switch over to Alejandro’s window.

A: Bien. How are you?

Me: Bien

Me: What are you up to

A: Just got home

He sends me a picture. He’s smiling, shirtless, and holding a beer. Good Lord, could he get any hotter? Biting my lower lip, I hold my camera overhead and snap one of myself. I’m going for the sultry look. I’m not entirely sure I pulled it off though. I send it then follow it up with a couple rows of smiley faces with hearts for eyes.

A: Cute cute cute

Me: The gods were in my favor today