Page 9 of Mami


Mark was crying. When he left the bathroom, his eyes had been bloodshot. And he spent the entirety of his visit following me around, asking more questions about Alejandro, as if I hadn’t explicitly told him to back off. I answered what I felt like answering and brushed off the rest. That was two days ago.

Just knowing that it’s eating Mark alive knowing I’m with someone else gives me a perverse sense of satisfaction. It just goes to show that he is, in fact, lying about his true feelings. Whether to me, her, or himself, he’s lying. And that will come back to bite him in the ass someday. Most likely, that day will be when it’s too little too late.

I wonder what the little trollop would say if she knew he was so up my ass all the time, so preoccupied by my love life. I doubt that’d go over very well. It certainly doesn’t bode well for their trite little affair.

I wash my face, clearing it of makeup, and pull back my hair. It’s late by mom-standards, and I’ve been staying up talking to Alejandro as if I’m still a teenager. I’m running on fumes, and it’s given me a migraine.

That doesn’t mean I’ll change anything though.

Lack of sleep is the least of my concern when it comes to squeezing every last second of communication I can out of this thing. As they say, there’s no rest for the wicked…and Alejandro is a wicked, wicked man.

A: Are you wet?

Me: Soaked

A: Mmmm

A: Show me

A: Slide those panties over just a lil bit

Me: lol No. I’m not that kind of girl

A: Mami…

A: I need you

Me: I need you too papi

Me: I’m ruining clothes just talking to you

A: Then you should take them off

A: I hear they’re dangerous for your health

Me: Well in that case…

I lie down in bed, grinning like I always do when I talk to Alejandro. What can I say? He makes me happy.

A: Mami…take them off

Me: Come do it for me

A: Don’t tempt me

Me: Oh babe, I’m going to tempt you so bad

A: I need you

Me: I need you too

A: What you going to do about it

Me: idk…

A: Touch yourself