Page 26 of Mami

A: I miss you too Mami

A: Very much

He sends a slew of emojis blowing kisses

A: I love you Mami

Me: I love you too baby

A: Go sleep. Take care of our bb

Me: Gah, ok fine

A: Buenos noches Mami

Me: Sweet dreams Papi

Everything is a chore when you’re carrying a basketball around in front of you. I just hope I put on matching shoes today. Thank the Lord for mirrors.

Instead of a couple weeks, Alejandro was away for nearly a month. Now he’s back and I’m on cloud nine again. My nerves are raw and my heart is pounding, and despite the sleeveless maxi dress, I’m sweating.

This must be what military wives feel like when their men come home. As I finish putting the final touches on cleaning the house, I re-brush my teeth and double check that the kids are all clean and presentable. They may be teenagers, but I’ve learned there’s never not a need to double check.

It isn’t the first time that Alejandro has been to the house, and it isn’t the first time he’s met the kids, but it will be the first time we’ve hung out together in a long time. It’s also the first time he’ll be meeting Mark, which is a real cause for concern.

I don’t want anything awkward to happen, and I can’t predict how Mark will behave either. He’s a condescending prick with obvious jealousy issues when Alejandro isn’t around, so I’m nervous to find out how he’ll do face-to-face.

So help me, he’d better be a saint.

“Are you guys ready? Are you going to come down sometime today?” I call up the stairs to the kids. I listen for their muffled responses which sound more like complaints before I walk away.

When I hear Alejandro’s car pull into the driveway, my heart pounds harder. But not from nerves. No, now it’s just pure anticipation.

Rushing to the door, I try to rein myself in, but the moment I lay eyes on him walking up the walkway, I grin and fling the door open.

Meeting him at the top of the steps, I wrap my arms around his neck and lock my lips onto his. He’s the best kisser, totally devoted to it. As he sucks my bottom lip between his, my knees go weak and I moan.

Alejandro smiles against my mouth, the kiss ending sweetly as he looks into my eyes and rubs my belly and says softly, “Hi.”

“Hi,” I sigh in return. He’s so beautiful, and I missed him so much. Reluctantly, I back off and lead the way inside.

“Where is everyone?” he asks as he takes note of the lack of children.

“Probably still in their room,” I say, but I’m actually glad for that. It means I get a few minutes more alone with him, and a lot can happen, even in that short amount of time. Especially since I’m wearing a dress—easy access.

Catching the twinkle in my eye, Alejandro chuckles and shakes his head. “Be good, Mami.”

Dropping my head back, I whine, “But that’s no fun. We can be quick.”

“Tempting, but no. Later.”

When Alejandro says no, it’s no. I’m sure I could use my feminine wiles to get what I want, if I pushed hard enough, but I enjoy taking his lead. And besides, he’s right. It’s better to wait. Anticipation is everything.

“When is your husband coming?”

I cringe and my eyes narrow. “I hate when you call him that.”

“Sorry. Your ex then. When will he be here?”