Page 2 of Mami

The fact of the matter is, I’m not done here. Alejandro is something I have to pursue, explore to my satisfaction. Otherwise, I’ll always look back on this time in my life with regret.

It’s a curious thing, to be aware that you’re likely signing your own death warrant and not even care, because the truth is, you can’t tell your heart not to feel just because you don’t want to feel it.

He kisses me, quick but sweet. “Do you remember what I told you before?”

“When?” We exchanged so many texts, it could be anything.

“The first day.”

“Uhhh, I’m not sure. Remind me.”

He smirks, and now I’m more curious than ever. My mind races through all the texts. I remember a lot, maybe everything, but I can’t settle on just one.

“It was love at first picture.”

Lifting onto my toes, I kiss him again. Alejandro is charming, through and through, and I love it. “You’re dangerous for my self-control,” I tease.

“That’s right, Mami. I’m a dangerous man.”

I don’t doubt it for a second. Now that the initial flare of excitement is beginning to wear off, I remember the time. I grimace. “I need to finish getting ready and get the kids off to school.” I’d invite him inside, but I’m not ready for my kids to meet him yet. Until I feel certain of this—whatever it is between us—they don’t need to be involved.

He smiles softly in understanding. “All right, Mami. You go take care of your kids.”

I hesitate, not wanting to leave his side in case I never see him again. “How long are you here?”

“Today. I’m just passing through, but I had to see you.”

I hate his answer. But I also kind of love it. “I’m glad you did.”

“Listen, go do what you got to do, then call me.”

I bite my lip, scraping my teeth across the kiss-tender flesh. “Okay.”

Clasping the back of my neck, he draws me in again and says, “I’ll see you soon, baby,” then kisses me until my toes curl.