Page 14 of Mami

I’m texting back and forth with Jean, my best friend since grade school, the following week while sitting in the waiting room at the local courthouse. Mark is in the bathroom—nervous pees, apparently—while we wait for the caseworker to call us back and set child support.

Me: Test results will be back in a couple days.

J: That’s too long! I need to know now!!!

Me: lol Well we’re gonna have to wait missy

J: :’(

J: What does Alejandro have to say about this?

Me: He seems okay with it?

J: I still can’t believe he came back. I thought for sure he was gone forever

Me: Me too

J: Are you relieved?

Me: Hellz yeah!

J: Me too. I thought I was going to have to hire a hitman.

Me: lmao

J: My bank acct wouldn’t have liked that very much

Me: Well I’m glad you don’t have to do that

J: Yep

J: So how do you feel? Are you still spotting? What did the doc say about that?

My attempt to reply is cut short when Mark suddenly drops into the seat next to mine and says, “What’s going on with Jean? She sick or something?”

It’s then I realize he’s read my text. For as quickly as he gleaned that information, he must have snuck up from behind and read our conversation before sitting down, something that’s not uncommon with him. Whenever I’m on my phone, Mark becomes a creeper, leaning in and around, trying to see who I’m talking to and what about. I try to keep it from sight whenever he’s around, but sometimes, like now, he sneaks up on me.

I clench my teeth, wanting to lay into him, but this isn’t the time nor place for an argument. I get ready to tell him it’s none of his business, not wanting him involved in any part of my life that doesn’t include the kids, but then I remember the way he cried after finding out about me and Alejandro, and an evil part inside of me wants to see it happen again.

“No, she’s fine,” I say truthfully, as I let Jean know I’ll be back later and tuck the phone back into my pants pocket.

“Then what’s that about the spotting and doctor and all that.”

“Man, you’re nosey,” I remark, my hostility bleeding through.

It slides right off his back, though, and he presses on. “You weren’t talking about you, right?”

I bite the inside of my cheek, debating on how much to tell him. But in typical Mark fashion, he fills in the blanks for me.

“Are you sick?”

“No, I’m fine.”

He stares at me, and I stare right back, and then after a moment he says, “You’re not pregnant, are you?”

Not one to lie, I shrug and look away. “That’s what I’m waiting to find out.”

The silence is thick and oppressive, unlike the kind that Alejandro and I share. It’s the perfect representation of what Mark’s and my relationship has become though.