Then, she does something that most assholes like me only dream about. She grabs my hand, leads it to the back of her head, and pushes down. “Fah Fuh Muh Tunuh,” she mumbles.

I can't catch my breath. Her skill, Red's face, all of it tipping me close to the edge. “What?”

She pulls off my cock and I almost cry with disappointment. Almost. “Face fuck me, Tyler. I have no gag reflex. It was one of my husband's favorite things about me.”

I nod quickly in excitement. “Okay!” Then I grab her hair and push her back down. She laughs around my cock. Right now, I don't even care if she can see my asshole.

I'm so fucking close.

I wrap her hair around my fist and don't hold back. Her hair feels like silk around my hand. It looks and feels like Allie's. Vision's of Allie doing what Mrs. Fletcher is doing pushes me to the edge.

“Fuck, I'm gon—” Oh. Wait. No I'm not.

Mrs. Fletcher stops.

“False alarm,” I tell her.

She gets back to work.

I shut my eyes.

All I can see is Allie.

I start thrusting harder. Faster.

I hear Allie's laugh, her voice telling me to come for her.

I do.

Without warning.

Deep inside Mrs. Fletcher's throat.

I open my eyes and lean up on my elbows to apologize, but her head's tilted back and she's looking up at the ceiling.

Her throat bobs a few times.

Oh. She swallowed.


When she's done she looks at me, smiling like the Cheshire cat. Then she crawls over my body and the high of the orgasm is instantly replaced with fear. Fuck. Please don't kiss me. Please. Please.

I shut my eyes tight, my face scrunched in dread. “Thank you,” she whispers in my ear. And then she's gone.

My eyes snap open just in time to see her close her bathroom door.

I grab my phone off the nightstand, hoping for a text from Allie—because even in the afterglow of an orgasm, she’s still the only thing on my mind. Evidently the feelings aren’t mutual because I haven't got a reply to the six messages I've sent her today. I send her another one, asking if she's back with Tim. Then I set the phone on my chest and let my eyes drift shut and the exhaustion take over me.

By the time Mrs. Fletcher wakes me up I've been asleep in her bed for over three hours, on top of the covers, completely naked.

She throws a wad of cash on my chest.

I tell her I can't accept it.

She makes me take it.

Then she asks, “Who's Allie?”

“What?” I look at my phone, assuming she'd seen a message come through. There's still nothing. “How—”

“I blew you again while you were sleeping. I'm surprised you didn't wake up considering you were practically yelling Allie's name.”

I stare at her blankly.

Mrs. Fletcher picks up my clothes and sets them on the bed next to me. “She's your girlfriend?”

I shake my head and sit up. “My best friend.”

She sucks in a breath with a hiss. “I'm sorry, Tyler. It can be extremely complicated when you have those kinds of feelings for a friend.”

“Tell me about it.” I stand up to put on my pants. “Thank you for a good time, Mrs. Fletcher.”

She smiles. “It was my pleasure, Mr. West.”


I call Allie when I'm in my car and get her voicemail. I send her another text asking where she is and why she's avoiding me. Then I set my phone on private and call Mel, her roommate. She answers first ring and starts speaking in another language.

I cut her off. “Mel?”

“Oh. I thought you were my parents. Who is this?”

In the background, Allie laughs and calls her a pussy.

“It's Tyler. Is Allie with you?”

“Um.” I hear static crackle through the speakers like she's covering the phone with her hand. It doesn't do shit to block out what she says. “It's Tyler.”

“So? Tell him I'm not here,” Allie responds.

I don't know if I'm hurt or pissed off or both.

“I can't lie.”

Allie scoffs. “You've been lying to your parents about hunting Asian dick since you were sixteen.”

“That's different,” Mel tells Allie, then to me: “Here she is!”

I wait for Allie's greeting.

After a few seconds—nothing comes.

I wait longer, just in case she needs the time.

I swear it—an entire minute passes, and all I hear is her heavy breaths on the other end. “Allie?”


I sigh loudly and grip the steering wheel tighter. “Have you been avoiding me?”


“Are you going to tell me why?”

“I've just had a lot going on—”

“Come on, Al…”

“I don't know, Tyler. Things are awkward now…”

“Between you and me?”

“Yes,” she whispers.

And my heart drops. “That's the last thing I want.”

“Me too.”

“Maybe we're just out of sync at the moment. It's been a while since we've hung out for longer than a few hours.” I pull up to the curb in front of the house and turn off the engine. Then I take my phone off speaker and hold it to my ear. With my voice low, to match hers, I say, “I've been missing you a lot lately, Allie.”