Page 3 of The Affair

He makes a grunt of what I assume to be agreement…or appreciation. I’m sure a man of his caliber is used to making all the decisions, but I’m taking the lead tonight. Raising kids, it’s rare when I can claim moments of true control. Not to mention, being in the situation I’ve placed myself in demands it. I can’t allow variables in this equation or I’ll risk everything unravelling.

We take the elevator in silence. His presence takes up the scant space between us, filling it with warmth and anticipation. My heart beats a mile a minute and my blood roars in my veins. I’ve been waiting a long time for this, and now that it’s finally here, my need is a physical ache. My body demands satiation.

I swipe the keycard, waiting until the light turns green before opening the door to my room. Will follows me in, keeping close. I half expect him to tackle me the second the door closes, but he’s a gentleman, which is sorely disappointing.

Using the wall for support, I slip out of my shoes. “Would you like a drink?” I ask, remembering his offer of a nightcap.

When I’m met with only silence, I look up to find him standing in the shadow of the doorway, his light eyes dancing with something dark and robust. His tie is lying bunched up at his feet. Instantly, shivers race through me.

Reaching up, he begins plucking the buttons on his shirt free, revealing burnished skin inch by sexy inch. “The only thing I’m thirsty for is you,” comes his husky reply.

My mouth forms an “O” as I stand up straight and turn to face him head-on. He approaches slowly, his eyes locked on mine as his fingers reach the last button and he tugs the shirt free from his waistband.

A light dusting of dark hair covers a lean, taut torso that’s just fit enough to hint at abs without being overly dramatic. I watch as he slips his shirt off then gets to work on releasing his belt.

My gaze lowers, and I can clearly make out the defined swell of his cock straining against the zipper. Even in the low light, it promises to be massive, and I secretly pray that the hand stitching holding the material together is capable of holding up under what must be immense pressure.

When the belt comes loose, Will drags it slowly off, one belt loop at a time. He’s a tease, I realize, tantalizing my senses, amping up my anticipation until my knees grow weak. That is, until I bring my gaze back up to meet his and realize that he’s just as worked up as I am.

“I don’t usually do this kind of thing,” he claims.

One eyebrow arches and a small laugh escapes me. “I’d almost believe that if you hadn’t been so quick to invite me up to your room.”

My breaths falter as he closes the distance between us until he’s bearing down on me. He’s so tall. I feel small, at his mercy. The sensation works for me, and I feel a flood of arousal leak out between my thighs, wetting my black silk panties. He hasn’t even touched me yet, and I’m more than ready for him.

I swipe my tongue over my bottom lip, wetting it before adding, “For the record, I don’t usually do this kind of thing either.”

“I’d almost believe you if you hadn’t been so quick to invite me to your room,” he husks, feeding my words back to me. Folding the belt in half, Will clenches it in his fist. I follow the strap of leather as he lifts it to my arm and traces my bare shoulder, lightly scraping my skin as he drags it down to my wrists. Goose bumps follow in its wake, and I shiver once again.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asks softly as he drags the belt up the front of my thigh and lightly teases my mound. I assume by the way he crowds my personal space and teases my pussy that this is just a formality. He’s giving me one chance—and one chance only—to change my mind, but we both know that’s not going to happen.

Lifting my chin, I look up into his cool water gaze and tell him, “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life.”

His smirk is devilish and his eyes cloud over with the same impatient desire that’s filling my stomach with butterflies and causing my heart to pound like a drum. In the span of a heartbeat, Will snatches me by the waist and hauls me against his chest. His lips come crashing down on mine in a fevered kiss. Instantly, my fingers delve into his lush hair, and I crush myself against every hard line of his body, eagerly kissing him back.

He swallows my desperate moans. His hands skim down my backside, pausing briefly to give my cheeks a rough squeeze before continuing their path to my thighs. With impatience, his fingers dig in and he lifts my feet off the floor.

Automatically, I wrap my legs around his hips, pressing the molten heat pouring from my needy core against his stomach, as he carries me to the bed.

Dumping me onto the mattress, I bounce twice, my laughter tinkling in the otherwise quiet room. I feel the wide smile stretch across my face as I stare up at this man who I suspect—and hope—is about to do dirty and depraved things to me. His answering smile is stunning, stealing my breath for a moment too long. My lungs constrict and my stomach plunges for the barest instant, and for just a moment, I wonder if I’ve made the right choice being here.

And then Will’s calloused hands reach out and part my thighs, and he crawls up between them, resting his substantial weight on top of me…and all doubts flee my mind.

I am exactly where I want to be.